SNMP Configuration

Before we continue: if you wish to use Squid's SNMP functions, you will need to have configured Squid with the --enable-snmp option, as discussed way back in Chapter 2. The Squid source only includes SNMP code if it is compiled with the correct options.

Normally a Unix SNMP server (also called an agent) collects data from the various services running on a machine, returning information about the number of users logged in, the number of sendmail processes running and so forth. As of this writing, there is no SNMP server which gathers Squid statistics and makes them available to SNMP managment stations for interpretation. Code has thus been added to Squid to handle SNMP queries directly.

Squid normally listens for incoming SNMP requests on port 3401. The standard SNMP port is 161.

For the moment I am going to assume that your management station can collect SNMP data from a port other than 161. Squid will thus listen on port 3401, where it will not interfere with any other SNMP agents running on the machine.

No specific SNMP agent or mangement station software is covered by this text. A Squid-specific mib.txt file is included in the /usr/local/squid/etc/ directory. Most management station software should be able to use this file to construct Squid-specific queries.

Querying the Squid SNMP server on port 3401

All snmp_access acl-operators are checked when Squid is queried by an SNMP management station. The default squid.conf file allows SNMP queries from any machine, which is probably not what you want. Generally you will want only one machine to be able to do SNMP queries of your cache. Some SNMP information is confidential, and you don't want random people to poke around your cache settings. To restrict access, simply create a src acl for the appropriate IP address, and use snmp_access to deny access for every other IP.

Not all Squid SNMP information is confidential. If you want to allow split up SNMP information into public and private, you can use an SNMP-specific acl type to allow or deny requests based on the community the client has requested.

Running multiple SNMP servers on a cache machine

If you are running multiple SNMP servers on your cache machine, you probably want to see all the SNMP data returned on one set of graphs or summaries. You don't want to have to query two SNMP servers on the same machine, since many SNMP analysis tools will not allow you to relate (for example) load average to number of requests per second when the SNMP data comes from more than one source.

Let's work through the steps Squid goes through when it receives an SNMP query: The request is accepted, and access-control lists are checked. If the request is allowed, Squid checks to see if it's a request for Squid information or a request for something it doesn't understand. Squid handles all Squid-specific queries internally, but all other SNMP requests are simply passed to the other SNMP server; Squid essentially acts as an SNMP proxy for SNMP queries it doesn't understand.

This SNMP proxy-mode allows you to run two servers on a machine, but query them both on the same port. In this mode Squid will normally listen on port 161, and the other SNMP server is configured to listen on another port (let's use port 3456 for argument's sake). This way the client software doesn't have to be configured to query a different port, which especially helps when the client is not under your control.

Binding the SNMP server to a non-standard port

Getting your SNMP server to listen on a different port may be as easy as changing one line in a config file. In the worst case, though, you may have to trick it to listen somewhere else. This section is a bit of a guide to IP server trickery!

Server software can either listen for connections on a hard-coded port (where the port to listen to is coded into the source and placed directly into the binary on compilation time), or it can use standard system calls to find the port that it should be listening to. Changing programs that use the second set of options to use a different port is easy: you edit the /etc/services file, changing the value for the appropriate port there. If this doesn't work, it probably means that your program uses hard-coded values, and your only recourse is to recompile from source (if you have it) or speak to your vendor.

You can check that your server is listening to the new port by checking the output of the netstat command. The following command should show you if some process is listening for UDP data on port 3456:

cache1:~ $ netstat -na | grep udp | grep 3456
udp        0      0   *
cache1:~ $ 

Changing the services port does have implications: client programs (like any SNMP management station software running on the machine) will also use the services file to find out which port they should connect when forming outgoing requests. If you are running anything other than a simple SNMP agent on the cache machine, you must not change the /etc/services file: if you do you will encounter all sorts of strange problems!

Squid doesn't use the /etc/services file, but the port to listen to is stored in the standard Squid config file. Once the other server is listening on port 3456, we need to get Squid to listen on the standard SNMP port and proxy requests to port 3456.

First, change the snmp_port value in squid.conf to 161. Since we are forwarding requests to another SNMP server, we also need to set forward_snmpd_port to our other-server port, port 3456.

Access Control with more than one Agent

Since Squid is actually creating all the queries that reach the second SNMP server, using an IP-based access control system in the second server's config is useless: all requests will come from localhost. Since the second server cannot find out where the requests came from originally, Squid will have to take over the access control functions that were handled by the other server.

For the first example, let's assume that you have a single SNMP management station, and you want this machine to have access to all SNMP functions. Here we assume that the management station is at IP

You may have classes of SNMP stations too: you may wish some machines to be able to inspect public data, but others are to be considered completely trusted. The special snmp_community acl type is used to filter requests by destination community. In the following example all local machines are able to get data in the public SNMP community, but only the snmpManager machine is able to get other information. In this example we are using the ANDing of the publicCommunity and myNet acls to ensure that only people on the local network can get even public information.