Up: Invoking gnutls-cli

8.2.1 Example client PSK connection

If your server only supports the PSK ciphersuite, connecting to it should be as simple as connecting to the server:

     $ ./gnutls-cli -p 5556 localhost
     Resolving 'localhost'...
     Connecting to ''...
     - PSK client callback. PSK hint 'psk_identity_hint'
     Enter PSK identity: psk_identity
     Enter password:
     - PSK authentication. PSK hint 'psk_identity_hint'
     - Version: TLS1.1
     - Key Exchange: PSK
     - Cipher: AES-128-CBC
     - MAC: SHA1
     - Compression: NULL
     - Handshake was completed
     - Simple Client Mode:

If the server supports several cipher suites, you may need to force it to chose PSK by using a cipher priority parameter such as --priority NORMAL:+PSK:-RSA:-DHE-RSA:-DHE-PSK.

Instead of using the Netconf-way to derive the PSK key from a password, you can also give the PSK username and key directly on the command line:

     $ ./gnutls-cli -p 5556 localhost --pskusername psk_identity --pskkey 88f3824b3e5659f52d00e959bacab954b6540344
     Resolving 'localhost'...
     Connecting to ''...
     - PSK authentication. PSK hint 'psk_identity_hint'
     - Version: TLS1.1
     - Key Exchange: PSK
     - Cipher: AES-128-CBC
     - MAC: SHA1
     - Compression: NULL
     - Handshake was completed
     - Simple Client Mode:

By keeping the --pskusername parameter and removing the --pskkey parameter, it will query only for the password during the handshake.