This page last changed on Mar 24, 2006 by [email protected].

Auto Reloading

When a Grails application is executed via the 'grails run-app' command it is configured for auto-reloading (development mode). This mode is disabled when a WAR is created via the 'grails war' command.

All Grails artifacts (controllers, tag libs, services etc.) are reloadable in Grails, however there are some quirks:

  • Services can currently only be reloaded if the 'transactional' property is set to false
  • Domain Classes are re-mapped to the database at runtime. If the data source is configured to auto-generate the database via the 'update' setting of the 'dbCreate' property it will do its best effort to update the database. This process doesn't always go smoothly however and changing domain classes occasionally require an application restart
Document generated by Confluence on Mar 29, 2006 08:46