This page last changed on Feb 17, 2006 by [email protected].

Tag - hasErrors


Checks whether a bean, request scope, or model reference has any errors and if it does invokes the body of the tag. Typically used in conjunction with either <g:eachError> or <g:renderErrors>


  • bean (optional) - The bean to check for errors
  • model (optional) - The name of the model reference to check for errors
  • field (optional) - Check if a field of the bean or model reference has errors


Checks whether there are any errors for any bean throughout the request scope:


Checks whether there are any errors for the specified bean

<g:hasErrors bean="${book}">

Checks whether there are any errors for the field "title" of the specified "book" bean:

<g:hasErrors bean="${book}" field="title">
    <div class="errors">
       <g:renderErrors bean="${book}" field="title" as="list" />

As a method call in GSP only. In this case we check for a field error on a particular field and set a CSS class on the surround div thus allowing us to highlight the error with a red border for example:

<div class="prop ${hasErrors(bean:user,field:'login', 'errors)}">
    <label for="login"><input type="text" name="login" />
Document generated by Confluence on Mar 29, 2006 08:46