This page last changed on Mar 22, 2006 by mittie.

Find hints how to avoid common pitfalls below.

grails clean

In case your Grails application has been screwed and comes up with mysterious error messages try

grails clean

This may be needed after done the following operations:

  • tbd
  • tbd

restart the (jetty) server

Grails does a best effort to avoid the necessity of server restarts.

However, under these circumstances, a server restart is required:

  • tbd
  • tbd

In general, changes to the domain model do not require a server restart.
When running with the internal HSQL database in 'in-memory' mode, changes to domain models force Grails
to reload the classes, which will invevitably lead to all instances of the old
classes being unavailable. This effectivly deletes the runtime objects of the
HSQL DB. This does not happen with persistent DBs.

Problems with saving objects transparently

In case you have a bi-directional dependency, you need to care about proper synchronization
of both sides, see XXX

Document generated by Confluence on Mar 29, 2006 08:46