The .hg and .ccg source files are very much like
.h anc .cc C++ source files, but they contain extra macros, such as
, from which
gmmproc generates appropriate C++ source code,
usually at the same position in the header. Any additional C++ source
code will be copied verbatim into the corresponding
.h or .cc file.
A .hg file will typically include some headers
and then declare a class, using some macros to add API or behaviour to
this class. For instance, gtkmm's button.hg
roughly like this:
#include <gtkmm/bin.h> #include <gtkmm/stockid.h> _DEFS(gtkmm,gtk) _PINCLUDE(gtkmm/private/bin_p.h) namespace Gtk { class Button : public Bin { _CLASS_GTKOBJECT(Button,GtkButton,GTK_BUTTON,Gtk::Bin,GtkBin) public: _CTOR_DEFAULT explicit Button(const Glib::ustring& label, bool mnemonic = false); explicit Button(const StockID& stock_id); _WRAP_METHOD(void set_label(const Glib::ustring& label), gtk_button_set_label) ... _WRAP_SIGNAL(void clicked(), "clicked") ... _WRAP_PROPERTY("label", Glib::ustring) }; } // namespace Gtk
The macros in this example do the following:
Specifies the destination directry for generated sources, and the name of the main .defs file that gmmproc should parse.
Tells gmmproc to include a header from the generated private/button_p.h file.
Tells gmmproc to add some typedefs, constructors, and standard methods to this class, as appropriate when wrapping a GtkObject-derived type.
, and
Add methods to wrap parts of the C API.
The .h and .cc files will be generated from the .hg and .ccg files by processing them with gmmproc like so, though this happens automatically when using the above build structure:
$ cd gtk/src $ /usr/lib/glibmm-2.4/proc/gmmproc -I ../../tools/m4 --defs . button . ./../gtkmm
Notice that we provided gmmproc with the path to the .m4 convert files, the path to the .defs file, the name of a .hg file, the source directory, and the destination directory.
You should avoid including the C header from your C++ header, to avoid polluting the global namespace, and to avoid exporting unnecessary public API. But you will need to include the necessary C headers from your .ccg file.
The macros are explained in more detail in the following sections.
The class macro declares the class itself and its relationship with the
underlying C type. It generates some internal constructors, the member
, typedefs, the gobj()
accessors, type registration, and the Glib::wrap()
method, among other things.
Other macros, such as _WRAP_METHOD()
may only be used after a call to a
This macro declares a wrapper for a type that is derived from
, but which is not derived from
_CLASS_GOBJECT( C++ class, C class, C casting macro, C++ base class, C base class )
For instance, from accelgroup.hg
_CLASS_GOBJECT(AccelGroup, GtkAccelGroup, GTK_ACCEL_GROUP, Glib::Object, GObject)
This macro declares a wrapper for a type that is derived from
, such as a widget or dialog.
_CLASS_GTKOBJECT( C++ class, C class, C casting macro, C++ base class, C base class )
For instance, from button.hg
_CLASS_GTKOBJECT(Button, GtkButton, GTK_BUTTON, Gtk::Bin, GtkBin)
This macro declares a wrapper for a non-GObject
struct, registered with
_CLASS_BOXEDTYPE( C++ class, C class, new function, copy function, free function )
For instance, for Gdk::Color
_CLASS_BOXEDTYPE(Color, GdkColor, NONE, gdk_color_copy, gdk_color_free)
This macro declares a wrapper for a simple assignable struct such as
. It is similar to
, but the C struct is not allocated
_CLASS_BOXEDTYPE_STATIC( C++ class, C class )
For instance, for Gdk::Rectangle
_CLASS_BOXEDTYPE_STATIC(Rectangle, GdkRectangle)
This macro declares a wrapper for an opaque struct that has copy and free functions. The new, copy and free functions will be used to instantiate the default constructor, copy constructor and destructor.
_CLASS_OPAQUE_COPYABLE( C++ class, C class, new function, copy function, free function )
For instance, for Gdk::Region
_CLASS_OPAQUE_COPYABLE(Region, GdkRegion, gdk_region_new, gdk_region_copy, gdk_region_destroy)
This macro declares a wrapper for a reference-counted opaque struct. The
C++ wrapper can not be directly instantiated and can only be used with
_CLASS_OPAQUE_COPYABLE( C++ class, C class, new function, ref function, unref function )
For instance, for Pango::Coverage
_CLASS_OPAQUE_REFCOUNTED(Coverage, PangoCoverage, pango_coverage_new, pango_coverage_ref, pango_coverage_unref)
This macro can be used to wrap structs which don't fit into any specialized category.
_CLASS_GENERIC( C++ class, C class )
For instance, for Pango::AttrIter
_CLASS_GENERIC(AttrIter, PangoAttrIterator)
This macro declares a wrapper for a type that is derived from
, but which is not derived from
_CLASS_INTERFACE( C++ class, C class, C casting macro, C interface struct, Base C++ class (optional), Base C class (optional) )
For instance, from celleditable.hg
_CLASS_INTERFACE(CellEditable, GtkCellEditable, GTK_CELL_EDITABLE, GtkCellEditableIface)
Two extra parameters are optional, for the case that the interface derives from another interface,
which should be the case when the GInterface has another GInterface as a prerequisitite.
For instance, from loadableicon.hg
_CLASS_INTERFACE(LoadableIcon, GLoadableIcon, G_LOADABLE_ICON, GLoadableIconIface, Icon, GIcon)
macros add constructors, wrapping the
specified *_new()
C functions. These macros assume that
the C object has properties with the same names as the function parameters,
as is usually the case, so that it can supply the parameters directly to a
call. These constructors never actually
call the *_new()
C functions,
because gtkmm must actually instantiate derived GTypes, and the
C functions are meant only as convenience
functions for C programmers.
When using _CLASS_GOBJECT()
, the constructors should
be protected (rather than public) and each constructor should have a
corresponding _WRAP_CREATE()
in the public section.
This prevents the class from being instantiated without using a
. For instance:
class ActionGroup : public Glib::Object { _CLASS_GOBJECT(ActionGroup, GtkActionGroup, GTK_ACTION_GROUP, Glib::Object, GObject) protected: _WRAP_CTOR(ActionGroup(const Glib::ustring& name = Glib::ustring()), gtk_action_group_new) public: _WRAP_CREATE(const Glib::ustring& name = Glib::ustring())
This macro creates a constructor with arguments, equivalent to a
C function. It won't actually call the
function, but will simply create an equivalent
constructor with the same argument types. It takes a C++ constructor
signature, and a C function name.
When a constructor must be partly hand written because, for instance, the
C function's parameters do not correspond
directly to object properties, or because the *_new()
function does more than call g_object_new()
, the
macro may be used in the
.ccg file to save some work. The _CONSTRUCT
macro takes
a series of property names and values. For instance, from
Button::Button(const Glib::ustring& label, bool mnemonic) : _CONSTRUCT("label", label.c_str(), "use_underline", gboolean(mnemonic)) {}
This macro generates the C++ method to wrap a C function.
_WRAP_METHOD( C++ method signature, C function name)
For instance, from entry.hg
_WRAP_METHOD(void set_text(const Glib::ustring& text), gtk_entry_set_text)
The C function (e.g. gtk_entry_set_text
) is described
more fully in the .defs file, and the convert*.m4
contain the necessary conversion from the C++ parameter type to the C
parameter type. This macro also generates doxygen documentation comments
based on the *_docs.xml
There are some optional extra arguments:
Do an extra reference() on the return value, in case the C function does not provide a reference.
Use the last GError* parameter of the C function to throw an exception.
Puts the generated code in #ifdef blocks. Text about the deprecation can be specified as an optional parameter.
Just call the non-const version of the same function, instead of generating almost duplicate code.
Though it's usually obvious what C++ types should be used in the C++ method, here are some hints:
Objects used via RefPtr
: Pass the
as a const reference. For instance,
const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action>&
Const Objects used via RefPtr
: If the
object should not be changed by the function, then make sure that
the object is const, even if the RefPtr
already const. For instance, const Glib::RefPtr<const
Gtk::Action>& action
Wrapping GList*
parameters: First, you need to discover
what objects are contained in the list's data field for each item,
usually by reading the documentation for the C function. The list can
then be wrapped by an appropriate intermediate type, such as
. These are templates, so you
can specify the item type. For instance, Glib::ListHandle<
Glib::RefPtr<Action> >
. Existing typedefs exist for some common
list types. You may need to define a Traits type to specify how the C
and C++ types should be converted.
Wrapping GList*
return types: You must discover whether
the caller should free the list and whether it should release the items
in the list, again by reading the documentation of the C function. With
this information you can choose the ownership (none, shallow or deep)
for the m4 conversion rule, which you should probably put directly into
the .hg file because the ownership depends on the
function rather than the type. For instance:
#m4 _CONVERSION(`GSList*', `Glib::SListHandle<Widget*>', `$2($3, Glib::OWNERSHIP_NONE)')
This macro is like _WRAP_METHOD()
, but it generates
only the documentation for a C++ method that wraps a C function. Use this
when you must hand-code the method, but you want to use the documentation
that would be generated if the method was generated.
_WRAP_METHOD_DOCS_ONLY(C function name)
For instance, from container.hg
gmmproc will warn you on stdout about functions that you have forgotten to wrap, helping to ensure that you are wrapping the complete API. Buf if you don't want to wrap some functions or if you chose to hand-code some methods then you can use the _IGNORE() macro the make gmmproc stop complaining.
_IGNORE(C function name 1, C function name2, etc)
For instance, from buttonbox.hg
_IGNORE(gtk_button_box_set_spacing, gtk_button_box_get_spacing,
This macro generates the C++ libsigc++-style signal to wrap a C GObject
signal. It actually generates a public accessor method, such as
, which returns a proxy object.
gmmproc uses the .defs file to discover the C parameter
types and the .m4 convert files to discover appropriate type
_WRAP_SIGNAL( C++ signal handler signature, C signal name)
For instance, from button.hg
_WRAP_SIGNAL(void clicked(),"clicked")
Signals usually have function pointers in the GTK struct, with a
corresponding enum value. and a g_signal_new()
in the
.c file.
There are some optional extra arguments:
Do not generate an on_something()
method to allow easy overriding of the default signal handler.
Use this when adding a signal with a default signal handler
would break the ABI by increasing the size of the class's
virtual function table.
This macro generates the C++ method to wrap a C GObject property. You must specify the property name and the wanted C++ type for the property. gmmproc uses the .defs file to discover the C type and the .m4 convert files to discover appropriate type conversions.
_WRAP_PROPERTY(C property name, C++ type)
For instance, from button.hg
_WRAP_PROPERTY("label", Glib::ustring)
This macro generates a C++ enum to wrap a C enum. You must specify the desired C++ name and the name of the underlying C enum.
For instance, from widget.hg
_WRAP_ENUM(WindowType, GdkWindowType)
This macro generates a C++ exception class, derived from Glib::Error, with a Code enum and a code() method. You must specify the desired C++ name, the name of the corresponding C enum, and the prefix for the C enum values.
This exception can then be thrown by methods which are generated from _WRAP_METHOD() with the errthrow option.
For instance, from pixbuf.hg
_WRAP_GERROR(PixbufError, GdkPixbufError, GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR)
Use these macro if you're wrapping a simple struct or boxed type that provides direct access to its data members, to create getters and setters for the data members.
_MEMBER_GET(C++ name, C name, C++ type, C type)
_MEMBER_SET(C++ name, C name, C++ type, C type)
For example, in rectangle.hg
_MEMBER_GET(x, x, int, int)
Use these macros to automatically provide getters and setters for a data member that is a pointer type. For the getter function, it will create two methods, one const and one non-const.
_MEMBER_GET_PTR(C++ name, C name, C++ type, C type)
_MEMBER_SET_PTR(C++ name, C name, C++ type, C type)
For example, in dialog.hg
_MEMBER_GET_PTR(vbox, vbox, VBox*, GtkWidget*)
Use this macro to provide getters and setters for a data member that is a
type that must be referenced before being
_MEMBER_GET_GOBJECT(C++ name, C name, C++ type, C type)
_MEMBER_SET_GOBJECT(C++ name, C name, C++ type, C type)
For example, in progress.hg
_MEMBER_GET_GOBJECT(offscreen_pixmap, offscreen_pixmap, Gdk::Pixmap, GdkPixmap*)
Some of the basic types that are used in C APIs have better alternatives in C++. For example, there's no need for a gboolean type since C++ has bool. The following list shows some commonly-used types in C APIs and what you might convert them to in a C++ wrapper library.
C type | C++ type |
gboolean | bool |
gint | int |
guint | guint |
gdouble | double |
gunichar | gunichar |
gchar* |
Glib::ustring (or std::string for filenames) |