Introduction to Haskell

Isaac Jones

Haskell is a polymorphicly typed, lazy, purely functional programming language. It can be used in a variety of applications like robot control, web servers, artificial intelligence, etc.

Table of Contents
1. Haskell Intro
2. Speaker Background
3. Setting Up Your Environment
4. Tour
5. Implementing a Stack (FILO) in Haskell
5.1. Module and Export List
5.2. Import list
5.3. Type declaration
5.4. How to Read Types
5.5. Some Basic Function Types
5.6. Implementation of basic functions
5.7. Pop is more complex
5.8. Implementations of Non-basic Functions
5.9. Alternate Implementations of Non-basic
5.10. Lets test out our stack
5.11. A very short stack
6. On Pattern Matching
6.1. Factorial Example
6.2. Binary Tree Size
6.3. Wildcard Patterns
6.4. Nesting Patterns
7. Exercise for Extra Time