HelpPC 2.10 Quick Reference Utility Copyright 1991 David Jurgens

     void *lfind(void *key,void *base,int *nelem,int width,int (*fcmp)())

       - prototype in stdlib.h

       - does linear search for items in an unsorted table;
       - base points to 0th element of table
       - nelem points to int containing number of entries in table
       - width contains number of bytes in each entry
       - key points to the search key
       - fcmp points to user-written comparison routine, where key and
         elem are passed to it as pointers.  fcmp returns:

          integer < 0 if search key < elem
          integer = 0 if equal
          integer > 0 if search key > elem

       - returns 0 if no match found, else address of first matching entry

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