HelpPC 2.10 Quick Reference Utility Copyright 1991 David Jurgens

              INT 10,11 - Character Generator Routine (EGA/VGA)

       AH = 11h

       AL = 00  user character load
          BH = number of bytes per character
          BL = table in character generator RAM
          CX = count of characters in table
          DX = ASCII code of first character defined
          ES:BP = pointer to user table

       AL = 01  ROM BIOS 8x14 monochrome set
          BL = table in character generator RAM

       AL = 02  ROM BIOS 8x8 double dot
          BL = table in character generator RAM

       AL = 03  set displayed definition table
          BL = value for character Map Select register (EGA,VGA)
             = character generator RAM table numbers (MCGA)

       AL = 04  ROM BIOS 8x16 character set
          BL = table in character generator RAM

       AL = 10  user specified character definition table
          BH = bytes per character (points)
          BL = table in character generator RAM
          CX = number of characters defined in table
          DX = ASCII code of first character defined
          ES:BP = pointer to user table

       AL = 11  ROM BIOS 8x14 monochrome character set
          BL = table in character generator RAM

       AL = 12  ROM 8x8 double dot character definitions
          BL = table in character generator RAM

       AL = 14  ROM 8x16 double dot character definitions
          BL = table in character generator RAM

       AL = 20  pointer to graphics character table for INT 1F (8x8)
          ES:BP = pointer to user table

       AL = 21  user graphics character pointer at INT 43
          BL = row specifier
             = 0 - user specified  (DL = rows)
             = 1 is 14 rows
             = 2 is 25 rows
             = 3 is 43 rows
          CX = bytes per character (points)
          DL = rows (when BL = 0)
          ES:BP = pointer to user table

       AL = 22  ROM 8x14 character set
          BL = number of rows (see AL=21)
          DL = rows (when BL = 0)

       AL = 23  ROM 8x8 double dot character set
          BL = row specifier (see AL=21)
          DL = rows (when BL = 0)

       AL = 24  ROM 8x16 character set
          BL = row specifier (see AL=21)
          DL = rows (when BL = 0)

       AL = 30  get current character generator information
          BH = information desired:
             = 0  INT 1F pointer
             = 1  INT 44h pointer
             = 2  ROM 8x14 pointer
             = 3  ROM 8x8 double dot pointer (base)
             = 4  ROM 8x8 double dot pointer (top)
             = 5  ROM 9x14 alpha alternate pointer
             = 6  ROM 8x16 character table pointer
             = 7  ROM 9x16 alternate character table pointer

       on return:
       CX = bytes per character (points)
       DL = rows (less 1)
       ES:BP = pointer to table

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