HelpPC 2.10 Quick Reference Utility Copyright 1991 David Jurgens

                      INT 21,A - Buffered Keyboard Input

       AH = 0A
       DS:DX = pointer to input buffer of the format:

       │ max │ count │  BUFFER (N bytes)
          │      │          └────── input buffer
          │      └──────────── number of characters returned (byte)
          └────────────── maximum number of characters to read (byte)

       returns nothing

       - since strings can be pre-loaded, it is recommended that the
         default string be terminated with a CR
       - N bytes of data are read from STDIN into buffer+2
       - max buffer size is 255, minimum buffer size is 1 byte
       - chars up to and including a CR are placed into the buffer
         beginning at byte 2;  Byte 1 returns the number of chars
         placed into the buffer  (extended codes take 2 characters)
       - DOS editing keys are active during this call
       - INT 23 is called if Ctrl-Break or Ctrl-C detected

Esc or Alt-X to exit int 21,a Home/PgUp/PgDn/End ←↑↓→