HelpPC 2.10 Quick Reference Utility Copyright 1991 David Jurgens

                    XFCB - Extended DOS File Control Block

    Offset Size                Description

       00   byte   flag containing FF if this is an extended FCB
       01  5bytes  reserved
       06   byte   directory attribute byte    (see FILE ATTRIBUTE)
       07   byte   drive number (0 for default drive, 1 = A:, 2 = B:)
       08  8bytes  filename, left justified with trailing blanks
       16  3bytes  filename extension, left justified w/blanks
       19   word   current block number relative to file start (0 based)
       21   word   logical record size in bytes
       23   dword  file size in bytes
       27   word   date the file was created or last updated:

               │F│E│D│C│B│A│9│8│7│6│5│4│3│2│1│0│ 21,20
                │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─┴─┴─┴─┴─ day 1-31
                │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─┴─┴─┴────────── month 1-12
                └─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴───────────────── year + 1980

       29 16bytes  reserved for system use
       39   byte   relative record number within current BLOCK
       40  4bytes  relative record number from start of file (0 based)

Esc or Alt-X to exit XFCB Home/PgUp/PgDn/End ←↑↓→