Sams Teach Yourself Emacs in 24 Hours


Hour 15: Getting an Overview of a File

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Q Is it possible to narrow further in, when part of a buffer has already been narrowed?

A Yes, simply do another narrowing. When you widen, however, you see the whole buffer, and not just the part from which you narrowed. Check the home page for this book. At the time you read this, I might have found a library, or have written one myself, for Emacs that makes it possible to widen back to the previous narrowing.

A Yes. Two libraries do this: one for GNU Emacs and the other for XEmacs. Unfortunately neither of them can be used with both versions of Emacs. The library for GNU Emacs is called imenu (see Hour 18) while the library for XEmacs is called func-menu. Look in the files for installation descriptions. Both programs comes with the given Emacs as default.

Sams Teach Yourself Emacs in 24 Hours


Hour 15: Getting an Overview of a File

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