Sams Teach Yourself Emacs in 24 Hours |
Hour 24: Installing Emacs Add-Ons |
Q What function is used to create a mode-hook when the hook isn't provided by the mode?
A The setq function.
Q Can more than one add-hook statement for the same mode be used in the .emacs file?
A Yes, new hooks can be added at any time.
Q What effect does byte-compiling a Lisp file have?
A A byte-compiled Lisp file is more compact and loads faster, but in this form it is no longer readable as a text file.
Q What is the difference between autoloading a file and loading it with load-library?
A An autoloaded file isn't actually loaded until it is needed, whereas a file loaded with load-library is loaded into memory from the start.
Q What happens when a file is loaded with require?
A The require function only loads a file if it hasn't already been loaded.
Sams Teach Yourself Emacs in 24 Hours |
Hour 24: Installing Emacs Add-Ons |
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