Making Your Own Cluster Distribution Media

5.7. Making Your Own Cluster Distribution Media

You've modified the base Rocks cluster distribution and now you want to create a media set (CDs or DVD).

First, login to your frontend and obtain the entire Rocks cluster distribution:

# cd /home/install
# rocks-dist mirror

This puts the entire Rocks distribution under the directory /home/install/

Now, recompile the distribution in pristine form (without Rolls).

# cd /home/install
# rm -rf rocks-dist
# rocks-dist --pristine dist

This binds all the packages from, all the packages under /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/... and all the packages under /home/install/contrib/... into a new Red Hat compliant distribution under /home/install/rocks-dist


After rebuilding a package, before you try to make a media set, you must re-execute:

# cd /home/install
# rocks-dist --pristine dist

Now build the media set (in this case, build the CD set):

# cd /home/install
# rm -rf cdrom
# rocks-dist --dist=cdrom cdrom

This puts the CD set under /home/install/cdrom/....

The first ISO is named /home/install/cdrom/enterprise/3/en/os/rocks-disk1.iso, the second is /home/install/cdrom/enterprise/3/en/os/rocks-disk2.iso, the third is /home/install/cdrom/enterprise/3/en/os/rocks-disk3.iso, etc.

You're done -- you now have a customized cluster distribution ready to burn onto blank CD media.

To build a DVD set, execute:

# cd /home/install
# rm -rf dvd
# rocks-dist --dist=dvd dvd

This puts the DVD set under /home/install/dvd/.... The first ISO is named /home/install/dvd/enterprise/3/en/os/rocks-disk1.iso.