Release 2.3.2 - changes from 2.3.1

A.4. Release 2.3.2 - changes from 2.3.1

Bug fix - Memory leaks in the broadcastSSH gmetric python module are fixed.

Bug fix - Gmetad will not crash when long ganglia metric names are introduced in the cluster.

Bug Fix - Building MPICH-GM package correctly for AMD Athlon processors.

Bug Fix - Added PBS directories: /opt/OpenPBS/sched_priv, /opt/OpenPBS/sched_logs, /opt/OpenPBS/undelivered.

Bug Fix - Added userdel that correctly updates the NIS database.

Enhancement - The Rocks-specific Ganglia metrics are much more efficient with a new Python C extension module that publishes ganglia metrics. The PBS job-queue monitor particularly benefits from this new module.

Enhancement - Updated rocks-boot package to contain all the modules from the latest kernel-BOOT package.

Enhancement - The Ganglia monitor-core and webfrontend packages have been updated to the latest version 2.5.3.

Enhancement - The frontend is now a fully configured Rocks cluster build host. By checking out all the Rocks source code on a 2.3.2 frontend, one can build all the source code simply by executing make rpm in the directory .../rocks/src/.

Enhancement - Updated SGE packages from v5.3p2-4 to v5.3p3-1.

Enhancement - Added Rocks version number to /home/install/contrib directory structure.