Kickstart XML

3.1. Kickstart XML

Rocks generates Kickstart files for compute nodes dynamically using a structure called the Kickstart Graph. This graph is made from edges and nodes, both described in an XML language. This section serves as a reference for the XML tags and attributes. It is not an XML DTD. The XML language is specified by the KPP, KGEN, and KCGI applications.

The kickstart graph is specified by G=(V,E) where G is the graph, V is the set of nodes, and E is the set of edges that connect nodes. A traversal of the kickstart nodes and edges makes a full kickstart file used to specify the software and configuration for a node. Edges are described in "graph" files, while each node is specified in a "node" file.

When the order of nodes' contribution to the kickstart file matters, we use special edges made with <order> tags. We describe these tags in this section as well.

The <tagname> is given first, with a description. A list of attributes supported by the tag follows. All tags accept the arch attribute, which may be a list: "x86_64", or "i386, ia64". The tag is ignored if the client's architecture does not match this list.

3.1.1. Node XML Kickstart Main Section

These tags specify commands in the "main" section of a kickstart file. Each of these tags are wrapped in <main> tags. They appear in node XML. Only the tags normally used in a cluster appliance kickstart file are presented here; for a full reference see Red Hat Linux 7.3: The Official Red Hat Linux Customization Guide.


  • <auth>

    Commands for the authentication of the system. Default "--useshadow --enablemd5 --enablenis --nisdomain rocks".

  • <zerombr>

    If "yes" any invalid partition tables found on disks are initialized. Default "yes".

  • <bootloader>

    Specifies the bootloader arguments. Default "--location=mbr"

  • <interactive>

    Optional. Allows for inspection and modification of the kickstart values given, via the snack screen interface. Default: present.

  • <url>

    Specifies the installation method with the --url argument. Default for compute nodes "--url http://$KickstartHost/$KickstartBasedir/$Node_Distribution" where variables are specified with the <var> construct.

    Default for frontend nodes: "--url"

  • <network>

    Arguments for network configuration.

  • <lang>

    The installation language to use. Default "en_US".

  • <langsupport>

    The languages to install on the system. Example <langsupport> --default en_US fr_FR</langsupport>.

    Default "--default en_US".

  • <part>

    Define a partition on the drive. See usage and warnings in Rocks Compute Node Partitioning.

  • <clearpart>

    Clear all disk partitions on all drives.

  • <keyboard>

    Sets the system keyboard type. Default "us".

  • <mouse>

    Specifies the system mouse type. Default "none".

  • <timezone>

    Required. Sets the system timezone. Default "--utc GMT".

  • <text>

    If present, perform the kickstart installation in text mode. Default: present.

  • <install>

    If present, perform a fresh install (not an upgrade). Default: present.

  • <reboot>

    If present, automatically reboot after installation. Default: present.

3.1.2. Graph XML

Edges in the kickstart graph are specified with the XML tags below. Order tags give control of the graph traversal (the order nodes appear in the final kickstart file).

Both the edge and order tags appear in kickstart graph files.