Powering SOA with IBM Data Servers

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Flexibility in business has become equal in importance with operational efficiency. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) can help businesses respond more quickly and cost-effectively to the changing market conditions by promoting reuse and interconnection of existing IT assets rather than time-consuming and costly reinvention.

SOA has been the top fashionable topic in IT for a few years now. This is because there is a consensus of opinions among enterprise architects that SOA is the key to making the IT department a catalyst for growth and innovation.

This IBM Redbook helps you get started with SOA by showing the implementation of the minimum requirements: The creation of Web services that allow access to data that is stored in data servers or applications and the realization of interaction services for business to consumer integration. The data servers included in our scenario are DB2 for z/OS, DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows, Informix Dynamic Server and IMS.

This redbook is a roadmap showing how SOA can significantly improve the IT business value.

Table of Contents

• Part 1. General introduction to SOA
• Chapter 1. SOA: Why it is good for you
• Chapter 2. SOA: From abstract to concrete
• Part 2. SOA technologies
• Chapter 3. Web services and service-oriented architecture
• Chapter 4. SOA and user interfaces with portals
• Chapter 5. Development tools
• Part 3. IBM data servers and SOA access services
• Chapter 6. DB2 for z/OS and SOA
• Chapter 7. DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows and SOA
• Chapter 8. IMS and SOA
• Chapter 9. Informix IDS and SOA
• Part 4. Setting up the environment
• Chapter 10. The z/OS products for SOA
• Chapter 11. The Linux, UNIX, and Windows products for SOA
• Chapter 12. WebSphere Application Server
• Chapter 13. WebSphere Information Server
• Part 5. Assembling and developing a scenario
• Chapter 14. SOA scenario
• Chapter 15. Developing SOA access services
• Part 6. SOA operations
• Chapter 16. PHP client design
• Chapter 17. WebSphere Application Server administration
• Chapter 18. Managing and monitoring SOA applications
• Appendix A. XML and DB2
• Appendix B. XML and DB2 for z/OS
• Appendix C. XML and DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
• Appendix D. Setting up IMS services
• Appendix E. Additional material


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