
If not stated otherwise in the description of the individual properties, the default value for all properties is the empty string. If the property takes a numeric value, the empty string is interpreted as zero.

Ice Configuration Property





This property must be set from the command line with the --Ice.Config, --Ice.Config=1, or --Ice.Config=config_file option.

If the Ice.Config property is empty or set to 1, the Ice run time examines the contents of the ICE_CONFIG environment variable to retrieve the pathname of a configuration file. Otherwise, Ice.Config must be set to the pathname of a configuration file. (Pathnames can be relative or absolute.) Further property values are read from the configuration file thus specified.

Configuration File Syntax

A configuration file contains a number of property settings, one setting per line. Property settings have one of the forms

property_name=      # Set property to the empty string or zero
property_name=value # Assign value to property

The # character indicates a comment: the # character and anything following the # character on the same line are ignored. A line that has the # character as its first non-white space character is ignored in its entirety.

A configuration file is free-form: blank, tab, and newline characters serve as token delimiters and are otherwise ignored.

Any setting of the Ice.Config property inside the configuration file itself is ignored.