

endpoint [ : endpoint...]


An endpoint list comprises one or more endpoints separated by a colon (:). An endpoint has the following format:

protocol [option...]

The supported protocols are tcp, udp, ssl, and default. If default is used, it is replaced by the value of the Ice.Default.Protocol property. If an endpoint is malformed, or an unknown protocol is specified, the application receives Ice::EndpointParseException.


The ssl protocol is only available if the IceSSL plug-in is installed.

The protocols and their supported options are described in the sections that follow.

TCP Endpoint


tcp [-h host] [-p port] [-t timeout] [-z]


A tcp endpoint supports the following options:

OptionDescriptionClient SemanticsServer Semantics
-h hostSpecifies the hostname or IP address of the endpoint. If not specified, the value of Ice.Default.Host is used instead.Determines the hostname or IP address to which a connection attempt is made.Determines the network interface on which the object adapter listens for connections, as well as the hostname that is advertised in proxies created by the adapter.
-p portSpecifies the port number of the endpoint.Determines the port to which a connection attempt is made. (required)The port will be selected by the operating system if this option is not specified or port is zero.
-t timeoutSpecifies the endpoint timeout in milliseconds.If timeout is greater than zero, it sets a maximum delay for binding and proxy invocations. If a timeout occurs, the application receives Ice::TimeoutException.Determines the default timeout that is advertised in proxies created by the object adapter.
-zSpecifies bzip2 compression.Determines whether compressed requests are sent.Determines whether compression is advertised in proxies created by the adapter.

UDP Endpoint


udp [-v major.minor] [-e major.minor] [-h host] [-p port] [-c] [-z]


A udp endpoint supports the following options:

OptionDescriptionClient SemanticsServer Semantics
-v major.minorSpecifies the protocol major and highest minor version number to be used for this endpoint. If not specified, the protocol major version and highest supported minor version of the client-side Ice run time is used.Determines the protocol major version and highest minor version used by the client side when sending messages to this endpoint. The protocol major version number must match the protocol major version number of the server; the protocol minor version number must not be higher than the highest minor version number supported by the server.Determines the protocol major version and highest minor version advertised by the server side for this endpoint. The protocol major version number must match the protocol major version number of the server; the protocol minor version number must not be higher than the highest minor version number supported by the server.
-e major.minorSpecifies the encoding major and highest minor version number to be used for this endpoint. If not specified, the encoding major version and highest supported minor version of the client-side Ice run time is used.Determines the encoding major version and highest minor version used by the client side when sending messages to this endpoint. The encoding major version number must match the encoding major version number of the server; the encoding minor version number must not be higher than the highest minor version number supported by the server.Determines the encoding version and highest minor version advertised by the server side for this endpoint. The protocol major version number must match the protocol major version number of the server; the protocol minor version number must not be higher than the highest minor version number supported by the server.
-h hostSpecifies the hostname or IP address of the endpoint. If not specified, the value of Ice.Default.Host is used instead.Determines the hostname or IP address to which datagrams are sent.Determines the network interface on which the object adapter listens for datagrams, as well as the hostname that is advertised in proxies created by the adapter.
-p portSpecifies the port number of the endpoint.Determines the port to which datagrams are sent. (required)The port will be selected by the operating system if this option is not specified or port is zero.
-cSpecifies that a connected UDP socket should be used.None.Causes the server to connect to the socket of the first peer that sends a datagram to this endpoint.
-zSpecifies bzip2 compression.Determines whether compressed requests are sent.Determines whether compression is advertised in proxies created by the adapter.

SSL Endpoint


ssl [-h host] [-p port] [-t timeout] [-z]


An ssl endpoint supports the following options:

OptionDescriptionClient SemanticsServer Semantics
-h hostSpecifies the hostname or IP address of the endpoint. If not specified, the value of Ice.Default.Host is used instead.Determines the hostname or IP address to which a connection attempt is made.Determines the network interface on which the object adapter listens for connections, as well as the hostname that is advertised in proxies created by the adapter.
-p portSpecifies the port number of the endpoint.Determines the port to which a connection attempt is made. (required)The port will be selected by the operating system if this option is not specified or port is zero.
-t timeoutSpecifies the endpoint timeout in milliseconds.If timeout is greater than zero, it sets a maximum delay for binding and proxy invocations. If a timeout occurs, the application receives Ice::TimeoutException.Determines the default timeout that is advertised in proxies created by the object adapter.
-zSpecifies bzip2 compression.Determines whether compressed requests are sent.Determines whether compression is advertised in proxies created by the adapter.