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Chapter 39
Copyright © 2003-2008 ZeroC, Inc.

Chapter 39 


39.1 Chapter Overview

In this chapter we present the Glacier2 service, a lightweight firewall solution for Ice applications. The basic requirements for using Glacier2 are discussed in Section 39.3. Glacier2 supports callbacks from servers to clients and Section 39.4 provides details about the configuration and application requirements necessary to use callbacks. Section 39.5 covers security issues, while Section 39.6 presents an overview of Glacier2 session management. Dynamic filtering is covered in Section 39.7. Section 39.8 describes Glacier2’s buffering semantics, and Section 39.9 describes the handling of request contexts. The use of a network firewall in conjunction with Glacier2 is the topic of Section 39.10. Finally, clients with special requirements are addressed by Section 39.11, and IceGrid integration is the subject of Section 39.12.
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