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Chapter 41
Copyright © 2003-2008 ZeroC, Inc.

Chapter 41 


41.1 Chapter Overview

In this chapter we present IceStorm, an efficient publish/subscribe service for Ice applications. Section 41.2 provides an introduction to IceStorm, while Section 41.3 discusses some basic IceStorm concepts. An overview of the IceStorm Slice interfaces is provided in Section 41.4, and Section 41.5 presents an example IceStorm application. An IceStorm publisher can optionally publish events to specific subscribers; this mechanism is detailed in Section 41.6. Information about IceStorm’s replication facilities can be found in Section 41.7. The IceStorm administration tool is described in Section 41.8, and the subject of federation is discussed in Section 41.9. IceStorm’s quality of service parameters are defined in Section 41.10, and Section 41.11 reviews the various modes of event delivery. Finally, IceStorm configuration is addressed in Section 41.12.
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