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The .NET Utility Library : G.8 Version Information
Copyright © 2003-2008 ZeroC, Inc.

G.8 Version Information

The stringVersion and intVersion methods return the version of the Ice run time:
public static string stringVersion();
public static int intVersion();
The stringVersion method returns the Ice version in the form <major>.<minor>.<patch>, for example, 3.3.0. For beta releases, the version is <major>.<minor>b, for example, 3.3b.
The intVersion method contains the Ice version in the form AABBCC, where AA is the major version number, BB is the minor version number, and CC is patch level, for example, 30300 for version 3.3.0. For beta releases, the patch level is set to 51 so, for example, for version 3.3b, the value is 30351.
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