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IceGrid : 38.16 Using an SQL Database
Copyright © 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc.

38.16 Using an SQL Database

By default, IceGrid uses a Freeze database (see Chapter 39) to store its persistent state. You can configure IceGrid to use an SQL database by setting a number of properties. (Note that SQL support requires recompilation of IceGrid with appro­priate settings. See the release notes of your Ice distribution for details for how to do this, as well as the supported SQL databases.)
If you use IceGrid with an SQL database, its persistent state is stored in four tables:
• <instance-name>_<replica-name>_Applications
• <instance-name>_<replica-name>_Adapters
• <instance-name>_<replica-name>_Objects
• <instance-name>_<replica-name>_InternalObjects
A number of properties control how IceGrid accesses an SQL database:
• Ice.Plugin.DB
To use IceGrid with an SQL database, you must set this property to the value IceGridSqlDB:createSqlDB.
• IceGrid.SQL.DatabaseType
• IceGrid.SQL.DatabaseName
• IceGrid.SQL.HostName
• IceGrid.SQL.Port
• IceGrid.SQL.UserName
• IceGrid.SQl.Password
These properties are described in detail in Appendix D.

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