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Client-Side Slice-to-Python Mapping : 22.8 Mapping for Constants
Copyright © 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc.

22.8 Mapping for Constants

Here are the constant definitions we saw in Section 4.9.5 on page 103 once more:
const bool      AppendByDefault = true;
const byte      LowerNibble = 0x0f;
const string    Advice = "Don't Panic!";
const short     TheAnswer = 42;
const double    PI = 3.1416;

enum Fruit { Apple, Pear, Orange };
const Fruit     FavoriteFruit = Pear;
The generated definitions for these constants are shown below:
AppendByDefault = True
LowerNibble = 15
Advice = "Don't Panic!"
TheAnswer = 42
PI = 3.1416
FavoriteFruit = Fruit.Pear
As you can see, each Slice constant is mapped to a Python attribute with the same name as the constant.

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