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Drop Permit Statement

Permission: You must own a table, view, database event, or procedure to drop a permission on it.

The Drop Permit statement removes permissions on tables, views, database events, and procedures.

This statement has the following format:

If the keyword ALL is used, Ingres removes all permissions defined on the specified table, view, database event, or procedure. To remove individual permissions, use the integer list. To obtain the integer values associated with specific permissions, use the HELP PERMIT statement.

Note: Permits cannot be dropped if there are dependent objects (views or database procedures) or permits. In this case, REVOKE...CASCADE must be used.

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Embedded Usage

In an embedded DROP PERMIT statement, no portion of the syntax can be replaced with host language variables.

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The Drop Permit SQL statement takes an exclusive lock on the base table and on pages in the iipermits system catalog.

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Example: Drop Permit

The following example drops all permissions on job:

drop permit on job all;

In an application, drop the second permission on procedure addemp:

exec sql drop permit on procedure addemp 2;

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