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query — Queries the specified JMX context for information about the known ActiveMQ objects.


query [-Qtype=name...] [-xQtype=name...] [--objectname objNameQuery] [--xobjectname objNameQuery] [--view viewList] [ --jmxurl jmxURL ] [[ -? ] | [ --help ] | [ -h ]] [ --version ]


query retrieves JMX information about the JMS object running in a specified JMX context. It allows you to create detailed queries and create reports about the state of running ActiveMQ objects.

[Important] Important

query requires you to have JMX enabled for ActiveMQ.


The arguments used to get information about running ActiveMQ objects are reviewed in the following table.

Option Interpretation
-Qtype=name Returns information from all MBeans that matches a query based on the specified type and identifier.
-xQtype=name Returns information from all MBeans that do not match a query based on the specified type and identifier.
--objectname objNameQuery Returns information from all MBeans that matches a query built using the JMX object name format.
--xobjectname objNameQuery Returns information from all MBeans that do not match a query built using the JMX object name format.
--view viewList Specifies a list of the attributes and object information to be viewed.
--jmxurl jmxURL Specifies the JMX service URL to use when looking for brokers. The default is service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi
-? Displays the online help for this utility.
--version Displays the version number of your ActiveMQ installation.