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wsdl2java — generates JAX-WS compliant Java code from a WSDL document


wsdl2java [[ -? ] | [ -help ] | [ -h ]] [ -p [ [wsdl-namespace=] PackageName ] ...] [ -b binding-name ...] [ -d output-directory ] [ -compile ] [ -classdir compile-class-dir ] [ -client ] [ -server ] [ -impl ] [ -all ] [ -ant ] [ -nexclude [ schema-namespace [=java-packagename] ] ...] [-exsh (true/false)] [-dns (true/false)] [-dex (true/false)] [ -validate ] [ -v ] [[ -verbose ] | [ -quiet ]] { wsdlfile }


wsdl2java takes a WSDL document and generates fully annotated Java code from which to implement a service. The WSDL document must have a valid portType element, but it does not need to contain a binding element or a service element. Using the optional arguments you can customize the generated code. In addition, wsdl2java can generate an Ant based makefile to build your application.


The arguments used to manage the code generation process are reviewed in the following table.

Option Interpretation
-? Displays the online help for this utility.
-p [wsdl-namespace=] PackageName Specifies zero, or more, package names to use for the generated code. Optionally specifies the WSDL namespace to package name mapping.
-b binding-name Specifies zero, or more, JAXWS or JAXB binding files. Use spaces to separate multiple entries.
-d output-directory Specifies the directory into which the generated code files are written.
-compile Compiles generated Java files.
-classdir complile-class-dir Specifies the directory into which the compiled class files are written.
-client Generates starting point code for a client mainline.
-server Generates starting point code for a server mainline.
-impl Generates starting point code for an implementation object.
-all Generates all starting point code: types, service proxy, service interface, server mainline, client mainline, implementation object, and an Ant build.xml file.
-ant Generates the Ant build.xml file.
-nexclude schema-namespace [=java-packagename] Ignore the specified WSDL schema namespace when generating code. This option may be specified multiple times. Also, optionally specifies the Java package name used by types described in the excluded namespace(s).
-exsh (true/false) Enables or disables processing of extended soap header message binding.
-dns (true/false) Enables or disables the loading of the default namespace package name mapping. Default is true.
-dex (true/false) Enables or disables the loading of the default excludes namespace mapping. Default is true.
-validate Enables validating the wsdl before generating the code.
-v Displays the version number for the tool.
-verbose Displays comments during the code generation process.
-quiet Suppresses comments during the code generation process.
wsdlfile The path and name of the WSDL file to use in generating the code.

You must specify the absolute or relative path to the WSDL document as the last argument.