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wsdl2xml — generates a WSDL document containing an XML binding based on a portType element.


wsdl2xml [[ -? ] | [ -help ] | [ -h ]] [ -i port-type-name ] [ -b binding-name ] [ -e service-name ] [ -p port-name ] [ -a address ] [ -d output-directory ] [ -o output-file ] [ -v ] [[ -verbose ] | [ -quiet ]] { wsdlurl }


wsdl2xml generates an XML binding from an existing WSDL document containing a portType definition. The syntax of the command is summarized below:


The arguments used to manage WSDL file generation are reviewed in the following table.

Option Interpretation
-? Displays the online help for this utility.
-i port-type-name Specifies the portType element to use.
-b binding-name Specifies the name of the generated XML binding.
-e service-name Specifies the value of the generated service element's name attribute.
-p port-name Specifies the value of the generated port element's name attribute. To specify multiple port elements, separate the names by a space.
-a address Specifies the value used in the address element of the generated port element.
-d output-directory Specifies the directory to place generated WSDL file.
-o output-file Specifies the name of the generated WSDL file.
-v Displays the version number for the tool.
-verbose Displays comments during the code generation process.
-quiet Suppresses comments during the code generation process.
wsdlurl The path and name of the existing WSDL file.

The -i port-type-name and the wsdlurl arguments are required. All other arguments are optional and may be listed in any order.