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qpid-server — Starts the Celtix Advanced Messaging broker.


qpid-server [ -b AMQPurl ] [ -c brokerConfig ] [ -h ] [ -l log4jConfig ] [ -p portNum ] [ -v ] [ -w waitTime ]


qpid-server starts the Celtix Advanced Messaging broker.


The arguments used to start the Celtix Advanced Messaging broker are reviewed in the following table:

Option Interpretation
-b AMPQurl Specifies the address at which the broker can be contacted.
-c brokerConfig Specifies the broker's configuration file.
-h Displays the online help.
-l log4jConfig Use the specified log4j configuration file rather than the one in the etc directory
-p portNum Specifies the port number on which the broker listens.
-v Displays the version of the broker.
-w waitTime Specifies the interval, in seconds, between checking for changes to the logging configuration. The default is 60. 0 specifies that the broker will never check for changes.
[Important] Important

The -b and -p options override the values specified in the configuration file.