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celtix_router — Deploys an instance of the Celtix Enterprise router.


celtix_router { --config=config-file } [ --user-lib=user-lib-dir ] [ --user-classpath=user-classpath ] [ --system-properties=properties ]


celtix_router deploys an instance of the Celtix Enterprise router using the specified configuration.


The arguments used to deploy the Celtix Enterprise router are reviewed in the following table.

Option Interpretation
--config=config-file Specifies the file containing the router's configuration.

Specifies the directory containing any application specific jars needed by the deployed router.


This option can be used in place of the --user-classpath option.


Specifies the classpath along which the router will search for application specific classes.


This option can be used in place of the --user-lib option.


Specifies system properties that are passed to the VM.


On UNIX systems you can only set one system property on the command line.