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Configuring Servlet Container to Run a Celtix Application


Before you can deploy a Celtix Web service endpoint to your servlet container you must configure the servlet container so that it can run Celtix applications. How you do this depends on the servlet container that you are using. This section highlights the key configuration steps that you must complete and uses Tomcat as an example servlet container.

Setting the Celtix environment

You must set the Celtix environment before starting the servlet container. You can do this by running the following script from your CeltixInstallDir/bin directory:

Windows: celtix_env.bat


Making certain Celtix JARs available to your application

You need to make all of the JAR files in the CeltixInstallDir/lib directory available to your application. The only exception is the cxf-integration-jbi* JAR files.

If, for example, you are using Tomcat, copy the JAR files from your CeltixInstallDir/lib directory to your CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib directory.