1.5. Decide Upon and Prepare the Installation Media

Obtain an ISO image from www.ipcop.org. The size of this image is about 50 megabytes. You should check the MD5 checksum of the file you downloaded against the one on the IPCop web site before going any further.

There are many possible ways to install IPCop. The following table summarizes the requirements for each.

Table 1.2. Media required for different installation methods

MethodBoot FloppyDriver FloppyCD DriveFTP/Web ServerNetcard w/PXEDHCP/TFTP Server
Bootable Floppy with CDYNYNNN
Bootable Floppy with FTP/Web Server YYNYNN
Bootable Floppy with usb keyYNNYNN
PXE boot with FTP/Web ServerNNNYYY

If the IPCop PC has a CD drive and its BIOS can boot from CD, you can use the “Bootable CD” media for the install. The CD drive can be removed after the install.

If the IPCop PC cannot boot from CD, but has both a floppy drive and a CD drive, the “Bootable Floppy With CD” can be used. Both the floppy drive and CD drive can be removed after the install. However, if you plan on using IPCop's backup and restore facilities, you may want to keep the floppy disk in the IPCop PC.

Finally, if the IPCop PC has only a floppy drive or you do not own a CD burner, the “Bootable Floppy with FTP/Web Server” must be used. Again, the floppy drive can be removed after the install. Again, if you plan on using IPCop's backup and restore facilities, you may want to keep the floppy drive in the IPCop PC.

1.5.1. Creating the CD

If you have a CD burner, use your favorite CD writer package to transfer the ISO image to a CD-ROM. Be aware that the IPCop CD image is a full CD image. In many CD writer software packages, it can be difficult to find the “Burn CD From ISO or Disk Image” option. The option may not be placed under the obvious menu. If you wind up with only one file on the CD, you have not created the CD correctly.

1.5.2. Mounting the ISO Image

If you don't have a CD writer, have no fear. You can still install IPCop, but you will have to go through some extra work. What has to be done depends upon the hardware and operating systems you have available on other computers. Linux

If you have a Linux or Unix system, you can mount the CD image, using the following commands:

# losetup /dev/loop0 /path/to/IPCop/iso

where /path/to/IPCop/iso is the file name of IPCop's iso file. This links a “loop back” hardware level device to the IPCop ISO file.

# mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/loop0 /mnt/cdrom

This actually mounts the loop back hardware device on a *nix file system. The CD-ROM image will appear at /mnt/cdrom. NOTE: On most systems you must have root authority or use the sudo command to mount file systems. Windows

There are several utilities such as ISOBuster and WinImage available on the Internet that can be used to open the ISO image. Download one of them, and follow their directions to open the IPCop ISO file. Macintosh

On Macintosh OS X, Apple's Disk Copy utility will open the ISO image. There does not seem to be a free or public domain utility available to open IPCop's ISO images on Mac systems before OS X. However, many commercial CD-ROM burning programs do have this capability. If you have a CD burner, check the software that came with it.

1.5.3. Creating Floppy Disks From Images

If your IPCop PC has a CD-ROM, but your BIOS will not allow a CD-ROM boot, you will need to create a floppy boot disk. If your IPCop PC does not have a CD-ROM, you will need to create both the floppy boot disk and the driver floppy disk. Both images reside in the /images directory on the ISO image. Creating Floppies On *nix and Macintosh OS X

On Linux, Unix and Macintosh OS X systems, creating the floppies can be done from a terminal window with the dd command:

# dd if=/mnt/cdrom/images/boot-1.4.0.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k count=1440

Use the same command with if= pointing to the driver disk image to create the driver floppy, if needed. Creating Floppies on Windows

Two utilities are provided in the /dosutils directory on the CD and its ISO image. These are rawrite.exe and rawwritewin.exe. rawrite.exe is a DOS based command that can be used to create floppies from the .img files in the /images directory. Similarly, rawwritewin.exe is a windows executable that you can run under Windows to create the floppy disks from the disk images on the CD.

1.5.4. Making The Installation File Available

This step is only needed if you are installing from bootable floppy and FTP/Web Server. In the root directory / of the ISO image there is a file named ipcop-1.4.0.tgz. This file contains a compressed image of the IPCop hard drive. Copy this file to a machine that is running a web server or FTP server. Put it where the server can find it during install. During the install, IPCop will log in to your FTP or web server as anonymous. Most servers do not allow anonymous users to access files out of the server's hierarchy. Even though a directory appears at the top level of the server, such as /pub they really are somewhere else, such as /anonftp/pub.

If your IPCop PC uses SCSI disk drives then you also need to copy the file scsidrv-1.4.0.img from the /images folder of the ISO image to this directory.

If you are creating your private network for the first time, change the IP address of the server machine to be on the private, GREEN, network, using a static address. You only need to do this for the duration of the install.

If your server machine is connected to the Internet, remove the connection and physically connect your IPCop PC and other machines together. See Appendix A, for a discussion of your choices. If you are using for the IPCop PC, is a good address for the server. Set the server up with a static IP address, temporarily. You will need to reboot any Windows PC if you change its IP address.

Verify that the IPCop installation file is available via the FTP command or entering its URL from a browser, even if you have to do it from the server machine. You can cancel the download or close your browser once you are sure the URL works.