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MIMO (spatial multiplexing) with convolutional coding

This example demonstrates how to use the Modulator_ND (MIMO) class for soft-output demodulation. The program simulates a simple convolutionally coded spatial-multiplexing (V-BLAST style) MIMO system with maximum-likelihood, alternatively zero-forcing, demodulation and soft Viterbi decoding, but no iteration between the demodulator and the decoder.

#include <itpp/itcomm.h>
using namespace itpp;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// -- modulation and channel parameters (taken from command line input) --
int nC; // type of constellation (1=QPSK, 2=16-QAM, 3=64-QAM)
int nRx; // number of receive antennas
int nTx; // number of transmit antennas
int Tc; // coherence time (number of channel vectors with same H)
if (argc != 5) {
cout << "Usage: cm nTx nRx nC Tc" << endl << "Example: cm 2 2 1 100000 (2x2 QPSK MIMO on slow fading channel)" << endl;
else {
sscanf(argv[1], "%i", &nTx);
sscanf(argv[2], "%i", &nRx);
sscanf(argv[3], "%i", &nC);
sscanf(argv[4], "%i", &Tc);
cout << "Initializing.. " << nTx << " TX antennas, " << nRx << " RX antennas, "
<< (1 << nC) << "-PAM per dimension, coherence time " << Tc << endl;
// -- simulation control parameters --
const vec EbN0db = "-5:0.5:50"; // SNR range
const int Nmethods = 2; // number of demodulators to try
const int Nbitsmax = 50000000; // maximum number of bits to ever simulate per SNR point
const int Nu = 1000; // length of data packet (before applying channel coding)
int Nbers, Nfers; // target number of bit/frame errors per SNR point
double BERmin, FERmin; // BER/FER at which to terminate simulation
if (Tc == 1) { // Fast fading channel, BER is of primary interest
BERmin = 0.001; // stop simulating a given method if BER<this value
FERmin = 1.0e-10; // stop simulating a given method if FER<this value
Nbers = 1000; // move to next SNR point after counting 1000 bit errors
Nfers = 200; // do not stop on this condition
else { // Slow fading channel, FER is of primary interest here
BERmin = 1.0e-15; // stop simulating a given method if BER<this value
FERmin = 0.01; // stop simulating a given method if FER<this value
Nbers = -1; // do not stop on this condition
Nfers = 200; // move to next SNR point after counting 200 frame errors
// -- Channel code parameters --
ivec generator(3);
generator(0) = 0133; // use rate 1/3 code
generator(1) = 0165;
generator(2) = 0171;
double rate = 1.0 / 3.0;
code.set_generator_polynomials(generator, 7);
bvec dummy;
code.encode_tail(randb(Nu), dummy);
const int Nc = length(dummy); // find out how long the coded blocks are
// ============= Initialize ====================================
const int Nctx = (int)(2 * nC * nTx * ceil(double(Nc) / double(2 * nC * nTx))); // Total number of bits to transmit
const int Nvec = Nctx / (2 * nC * nTx); // Number of channel vectors to transmit
const int Nbitspvec = 2 * nC * nTx; // Number of bits per channel vector
// initialize MIMO channel with uniform QAM per complex dimension and Gray coding
ND_UQAM chan;
chan.set_M(nTx, 1 << (2*nC));
cout << chan << endl;
// initialize interleaver
Sequence_Interleaver<bin> sequence_interleaver_b(Nctx);
Sequence_Interleaver<int> sequence_interleaver_i(Nctx);
// RNG_randomize();
Array<cvec> Y(Nvec); // received data
Array<cmat> H(Nvec / Tc + 1); // channel matrix (new matrix for each coherence interval)
ivec Contflag = ones_i(Nmethods); // flag to determine whether to run a given demodulator
if (pow(2.0, nC*2.0*nTx) > 256) { // ML decoder too complex..
Contflag(1) = 0;
if (nTx > nRx) {
Contflag(0) = 0; // ZF not for underdetermined systems
cout << "Running methods: " << Contflag << endl;
cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
// ================== Run simulation =======================
for (int nsnr = 0; nsnr < length(EbN0db); nsnr++) {
const double Eb = 1.0; // transmitted energy per information bit
const double N0 = inv_dB(-EbN0db(nsnr));
const double sigma2 = N0; // Variance of each scalar complex noise sample
const double Es = rate * 2 * nC * Eb; // Energy per complex scalar symbol
// (Each transmitted scalar complex symbol contains rate*2*nC
// information bits.)
const double Ess = sqrt(Es);
Array<BERC> berc(Nmethods); // counter for coded BER
Array<BERC> bercu(Nmethods); // counter for uncoded BER
Array<BLERC> ferc(Nmethods); // counter for coded FER
for (int i = 0; i < Nmethods; i++) {
long int nbits = 0;
while (nbits < Nbitsmax) {
nbits += Nu;
// generate and encode random data
bvec inputbits = randb(Nu);
bvec txbits;
code.encode_tail(inputbits, txbits);
// coded block length is not always a multiple of the number of
// bits per channel vector
txbits = concat(txbits, randb(Nctx - Nc));
txbits = sequence_interleaver_b.interleave(txbits);
// -- generate channel and data ----
for (int k = 0; k < Nvec; k++) {
/* A complex valued channel matrix is used here. An
alternative (with equivalent result) would be to use a
real-valued (structured) channel matrix of twice the
if (k % Tc == 0) { // generate a new channel realization every Tc intervals
H(k / Tc) = Ess * randn_c(nRx, nTx);
// modulate and transmit bits
bvec bitstmp = txbits(k * 2 * nTx * nC, (k + 1) * 2 * nTx * nC - 1);
cvec x = chan.modulate_bits(bitstmp);
cvec e = sqrt(sigma2) * randn_c(nRx);
Y(k) = H(k / Tc) * x + e;
// -- demodulate --
Array<QLLRvec> LLRin(Nmethods);
for (int i = 0; i < Nmethods; i++) {
LLRin(i) = zeros_i(Nctx);
QLLRvec llr_apr = zeros_i(nC * 2 * nTx); // no a priori input to demodulator
QLLRvec llr_apost = zeros_i(nC * 2 * nTx);
for (int k = 0; k < Nvec; k++) {
// zero forcing demodulation
if (Contflag(0)) {
chan.demodulate_soft_bits(Y(k), H(k / Tc), sigma2, llr_apr, llr_apost,
LLRin(0).set_subvector(k*Nbitspvec, llr_apost);
// ML demodulation
if (Contflag(1)) {
chan.demodulate_soft_bits(Y(k), H(k / Tc), sigma2, llr_apr, llr_apost);
LLRin(1).set_subvector(k*Nbitspvec, llr_apost);
// -- decode and count errors --
for (int i = 0; i < Nmethods; i++) {
bvec decoded_bits;
if (Contflag(i)) {
bercu(i).count(txbits(0, Nc - 1), LLRin(i)(0, Nc - 1) < 0); // uncoded BER
LLRin(i) = sequence_interleaver_i.deinterleave(LLRin(i), 0);
// QLLR values must be converted to real numbers since the convolutional decoder wants this
vec llr = chan.get_llrcalc().to_double(LLRin(i).left(Nc));
code.decode_tail(llr, decoded_bits);
berc(i).count(inputbits(0, Nu - 1), decoded_bits(0, Nu - 1)); // coded BER
ferc(i).count(inputbits(0, Nu - 1), decoded_bits(0, Nu - 1)); // coded FER
/* Check whether it is time to terminate the simulation.
Terminate when all demodulators that are still running have
counted at least Nbers or Nfers bit/frame errors. */
int minber = 1000000;
int minfer = 1000000;
for (int i = 0; i < Nmethods; i++) {
if (Contflag(i)) {
minber = min(minber, round_i(berc(i).get_errors()));
minfer = min(minfer, round_i(ferc(i).get_errors()));
if (Nbers > 0 && minber > Nbers) { break;}
if (Nfers > 0 && minfer > Nfers) { break;}
cout << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Eb/N0: " << EbN0db(nsnr) << " dB. Simulated " << nbits << " bits." << endl;
cout << " Uncoded BER: " << bercu(0).get_errorrate() << " (ZF); " << bercu(1).get_errorrate() << " (ML)" << endl;
cout << " Coded BER: " << berc(0).get_errorrate() << " (ZF); " << berc(1).get_errorrate() << " (ML)" << endl;
cout << " Coded FER: " << ferc(0).get_errorrate() << " (ZF); " << ferc(1).get_errorrate() << " (ML)" << endl;
/* Check wheter it is time to terminate simulation. Stop when all
methods have reached the min BER/FER of interest. */
int contflag = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Nmethods; i++) {
if (Contflag(i)) {
if (berc(i).get_errorrate() > BERmin) { contflag = 1; }
else { Contflag(i) = 0; }
if (ferc(i).get_errorrate() > FERmin) { contflag = 1; }
else { Contflag(i) = 0; }
if (contflag) { continue; }
else {break; }
return 0;

To run the program,

mimoconv nTx nRx nC Tc


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