
Interface Summary
ICustomSerializable Interface for objects that know how to serialize their contents.
Input Interface for Input which defines the contract methods which are to be implemented.
Output Output interface which defines contract methods to be implemented

Class Summary
BaseInput BaseInput represents a way to map input to a HashMap.
BaseOutput BaseOutput represents a way to map input to a HashMap.
DataTypes The core datatypes supported by red5, I have left out undefined (this is up for debate).
Deserializer The Deserializer class reads data input and handles the data according to the core data types
RecordSet Read only RecordSet object that might be received through remoting calls.
RecordSetPage Result of pageable request, one page of data.
Serializer The Serializer class writes data output and handles the data according to the core data types
UnsignedByte The UnsignedByte class wraps a value of and unsigned 8 bits number.
UnsignedInt The UnsignedInt class wraps a value of an unsigned 32 bits number.
UnsignedLong The UnsignedLong class wraps a value of an unsigned 64 bits number.
UnsignedShort The UnsignedByte class wraps a value of an unsigned 16 bits number.

Enum Summary
Flag Serial flag options.

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