Interface ISharedObjectBase

All Superinterfaces:
AttributeStoreMXBean, IAttributeStore, ICastingAttributeStore, IServiceHandlerProvider, ISharedObjectHandlerProvider
All Known Subinterfaces:
IClientSharedObject, ISharedObject
All Known Implementing Classes:
ClientSharedObject, SharedObjectScope

public interface ISharedObjectBase
extends ISharedObjectHandlerProvider, ICastingAttributeStore

Base interface for shared objects. Changes to the shared objects are propagated to all subscribed clients. If you want to modify multiple attributes and notify the clients about all changes at once, you can use code like this:

SharedObject.setAttribute("One", '1');
SharedObject.setAttribute("Two", '2');

All changes between "beginUpdate" and "endUpdate" will be sent to the clients using one notification event.

The Red5 Project ([email protected]), Joachim Bauch ([email protected])

Method Summary
 void addSharedObjectListener(ISharedObjectListener listener)
          Register object that will be notified about update events.
 void beginUpdate()
          Start performing multiple updates to the shared object from serverside code.
 void beginUpdate(IEventListener source)
          Start performing multiple updates to the shared object from a connected client.
 boolean clear()
          Deletes all the attributes and sends a clear event to all listeners.
 void close()
          Detaches a reference from this shared object, this will destroy the reference immediately.
 void endUpdate()
          The multiple updates are complete, notify clients about all changes at once.
 Map<String,Object> getData()
          Return a map containing all attributes of the shared object.
 int getVersion()
          Returns the version of the shared object.
 boolean isLocked()
          Returns the locked state of this SharedObject.
 boolean isPersistent()
          Check if the object has been created as persistent shared object by the client.
 void lock()
          Locks the shared object instance.
 void removeSharedObjectListener(ISharedObjectListener listener)
          Unregister object to not longer receive update events.
 void sendMessage(String handler, List<?> arguments)
          Send a message to a handler of the shared object.
 void unlock()
          Unlocks a shared object instance that was locked with SharedObject.lock().
Methods inherited from interface
registerServiceHandler, unregisterServiceHandler
Methods inherited from interface org.red5.server.api.service.IServiceHandlerProvider
getServiceHandler, getServiceHandlerNames, registerServiceHandler
Methods inherited from interface org.red5.server.api.ICastingAttributeStore
getBoolAttribute, getByteAttribute, getDoubleAttribute, getIntAttribute, getListAttribute, getLongAttribute, getMapAttribute, getSetAttribute, getShortAttribute, getStringAttribute
Methods inherited from interface org.red5.server.api.IAttributeStore
getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributeNames, getAttributes, hasAttribute, removeAttribute, removeAttributes, setAttribute, setAttributes, setAttributes, size

Method Detail


int getVersion()
Returns the version of the shared object. The version is incremented automatically on each modification.

the version of the shared object


boolean isPersistent()
Check if the object has been created as persistent shared object by the client.

true if the shared object is persistent, false otherwise


Map<String,Object> getData()
Return a map containing all attributes of the shared object.
NOTE: The returned map will be read-only.

a map containing all attributes of the shared object


void sendMessage(String handler,
                 List<?> arguments)
Send a message to a handler of the shared object.

handler - the name of the handler to call
arguments - a list of objects that should be passed as arguments to the handler


void beginUpdate()
Start performing multiple updates to the shared object from serverside code.


void beginUpdate(IEventListener source)
Start performing multiple updates to the shared object from a connected client.

source - Update events listener


void endUpdate()
The multiple updates are complete, notify clients about all changes at once.


void addSharedObjectListener(ISharedObjectListener listener)
Register object that will be notified about update events.

listener - the object to notify


void removeSharedObjectListener(ISharedObjectListener listener)
Unregister object to not longer receive update events.

listener - the object to unregister


void lock()
Locks the shared object instance. Prevents any changes to this object by clients until the SharedObject.unlock() method is called.


void unlock()
Unlocks a shared object instance that was locked with SharedObject.lock().


boolean isLocked()
Returns the locked state of this SharedObject.

true if in a locked state; false otherwise


boolean clear()
Deletes all the attributes and sends a clear event to all listeners. The persistent data object is also removed from a persistent shared object.

true if successful; false otherwise


void close()
Detaches a reference from this shared object, this will destroy the reference immediately. This is useful when you don't want to proxy a shared object any longer.

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