Interface Summary | |
IAudioStreamCodec | Represents an Audio codec and its associated decoder configuration. |
IBroadcastStream | A broadcast stream is a stream source to be subscribed by clients. |
IBroadcastStreamService | |
IClientBroadcastStream | A broadcast stream that comes from client. |
IClientStream | A stream that is bound to a client. |
IOnDemandStream | Extends stream to add methods for on demand access. |
IOnDemandStreamService | |
IPlayItem | Playlist item. |
IPlaylist | Playlist |
IPlaylistController | A play list controller that controls the order of play items. |
IPlaylistSubscriberStream | IPlaylistSubscriberStream has methods of both ISubscriberStream and IPlaylist but adds nothing new |
IRtmpSampleAccess | |
IServerStream | IServerStream has both IPlaylist and IBroadcastStream methods but add nothing new. |
ISingleItemSubscriberStream | A subscriber stream that has only one item for play. |
IStream | Base interface for stream objects. |
IStreamAwareScopeHandler | A scope handler that is stream aware. |
IStreamCapableConnection | A connection that supports streaming. |
IStreamCodecInfo | Stream codec information |
IStreamFilenameGenerator | A class that can generate filenames for streams. |
IStreamHandler | |
IStreamListener | Listener that is notified about packets received from a stream. |
IStreamPacket | Packet containing stream data. |
IStreamPlaybackSecurity | Interface for handlers that control access to stream playback. |
IStreamPublishSecurity | Interface for handlers that control access to stream publishing. |
IStreamSecurityService | Service that supports protecting access to streams. |
IStreamService | This interface represents the stream methods that can be called throug RTMP. |
ISubscriberStream | ISubscriberStream is a stream from subscriber's point of view. |
ISubscriberStreamService | |
IVideoStreamCodec | Represents a Video codec and its associated decoder configuration. |
Class Summary | |
IVideoStreamCodec.FrameData | Holder for video frame data. |
Enum Summary | |
IStreamFilenameGenerator.GenerationType | Possible filename generation types. |
StreamState | Represents all the states that a stream may be in at a requested point in time. |
Exception Summary | |
OperationNotSupportedException | The requested operation is not supported by the stream. |
ResourceExistException | |
ResourceNotFoundException |