
Interface Summary
IAudioStreamCodec Represents an Audio codec and its associated decoder configuration.
IBroadcastStream A broadcast stream is a stream source to be subscribed by clients.
IClientBroadcastStream A broadcast stream that comes from client.
IClientStream A stream that is bound to a client.
IOnDemandStream Extends stream to add methods for on demand access.
IPlayItem Playlist item.
IPlaylist Playlist
IPlaylistController A play list controller that controls the order of play items.
IPlaylistSubscriberStream IPlaylistSubscriberStream has methods of both ISubscriberStream and IPlaylist but adds nothing new
IServerStream IServerStream has both IPlaylist and IBroadcastStream methods but add nothing new.
ISingleItemSubscriberStream A subscriber stream that has only one item for play.
IStream Base interface for stream objects.
IStreamAwareScopeHandler A scope handler that is stream aware.
IStreamCapableConnection A connection that supports streaming.
IStreamCodecInfo Stream codec information
IStreamFilenameGenerator A class that can generate filenames for streams.
IStreamListener Listener that is notified about packets received from a stream.
IStreamPacket Packet containing stream data.
IStreamPlaybackSecurity Interface for handlers that control access to stream playback.
IStreamPublishSecurity Interface for handlers that control access to stream publishing.
IStreamSecurityService Service that supports protecting access to streams.
IStreamService This interface represents the stream methods that can be called throug RTMP.
ISubscriberStream ISubscriberStream is a stream from subscriber's point of view.
IVideoStreamCodec Represents a Video codec and its associated decoder configuration.

Class Summary
IVideoStreamCodec.FrameData Holder for video frame data.

Enum Summary
IStreamFilenameGenerator.GenerationType Possible filename generation types.
StreamState Represents all the states that a stream may be in at a requested point in time.

Exception Summary
OperationNotSupportedException The requested operation is not supported by the stream.

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