Class ServiceAdapter

  extended by org.red5.server.messaging.ServiceAdapter

public abstract class ServiceAdapter
extends Object

The ServiceAdapter class is the base definition of a service adapter.

Paul Gregoire

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean handlesSubscriptions()
          Returns true if the adapter performs custom subscription management.
abstract  Object invoke(Message message)
          Handle a data message intended for this adapter.
 Object manage(CommandMessage commandMessage)
          Accept a command from the adapter's service and perform some internal action based upon it.
 void start()
          Starts the adapter if its associated Destination is started and if the adapter is not already running.
 void stop()
          Stops the ServiceAdapter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ServiceAdapter()
Method Detail


public void start()
Starts the adapter if its associated Destination is started and if the adapter is not already running. If subclasses override, they must call super.start().


public void stop()
Stops the ServiceAdapter. If subclasses override, they must call super.start().


public abstract Object invoke(Message message)
Handle a data message intended for this adapter. This method is responsible for handling the message and returning a result (if any). The return value of this message is used as the body of the acknowledge message returned to the client. It may be null if there is no data being returned for this message. Typically the data content for the message is stored in the body property of the message. The headers of the message are used to store fields which relate to the transport of the message. The type of operation is stored as the operation property of the message.

message - the message as sent by the client intended for this adapter
the body of the acknowledge message (or null if there is no body)


public Object manage(CommandMessage commandMessage)
Accept a command from the adapter's service and perform some internal action based upon it. CommandMessages are used for messages which control the state of the connection between the client and the server. For example, this handles subscribe, unsubscribe, and ping operations. The messageRefType property of the CommandMessage is used to associate a command message with a particular service. Services are configured to handle messages of a particular concrete type. For example, the MessageService is typically invoked to handle messages of type flex.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage. To ensure a given CommandMessage is routed to the right service, its MessageRefType is set to the string name of the message type for messages handled by that service.

commandMessage -
Exception if not implemented


public boolean handlesSubscriptions()
Returns true if the adapter performs custom subscription management. The default return value is false, and subclasses should override this method as necessary.

true if subscriptions are handled

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