Package org.red5.server.service

Interface Summary
IServiceResolver Interface for objects that resolve service names to services.

Class Summary
Call Basic service call (remote call) implementation
ContextServiceResolver Resolve services that have been configured in the context of a scope.
HandlerServiceResolver Allow scope handlers to create service handlers dynamically.
Installer This service provides the means to list, download, install, and un-install applications from a given url.
PendingCall Pending call is remote call operation that is in pending state.
ReflectionUtils Provides a means for locating methods within service classes using reflection.
ScopeServiceResolver Resolves service names in custom configured services of a scope.
ServiceInvoker Makes remote calls, invoking services, resolves service handlers
WarDeployer This service provides the means to auto-deploy a war.

Exception Summary
MethodNotFoundException Thrown if service method is not found so call throws exception
NotAllowedException Thrown when a client is not allowed to execute a method.
ServiceNotFoundException Thrown when service can't be found thus remote call throws an exception

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