2007 JavaOne Technical Sessions * Consumer Technologies * The Next-Generation Web * Services and Integration * Desktop * Open Source * Tools and Languages * Java EE * Java ME * Java SE // Consumer Technologies TS-0795: Rev Up Your Car PC with Java Technology TS-0697: Java Technology for Interactive TV: Developing and Deploying Effective OCAP Applications TS-0887: Producing Blu-ray Java Software Titles for Hollywood TS-0011: OCAP: Summary of Technical Features and APIs // The Next-Generation Web TS-6821: Spring Web Flow: A Next-Generation Web Application Controller Technology TS-6807: Real-World Comet-Based Applications TS-6590: Killer JavaScript Technology Frameworks for Java Platform Developers: An Exploration of Prototype, Script.aculo.us, and Rico TS-6957: Project Phobos: Server-Side Scripting for the Java Platform TS-6889: Java Technology-Powered Microsoft Ajax TS-6836: Creating Amazing Web Interfaces with Ajax TS-6824: JavaServer Faces Technology, Ajax, and Portlets: It's Easy If You Know How TS-6536: Enabling Identity 2.0 in Java Technology TS-6503: GlassFish V3 Architecture Review: Learn How GlassFish V3 Will Be the Best Container for Web 2.0 TS-6475: Fast, Beautiful, Easy: Pick Three--Building Web User Interfaces in the Java Programming Language with Google Web Toolkit TS-6725: OpenLaszlo: From RIA to Ajax and Mobile TS-6713: JavaServer Faces Technology and Ajax Panel Discussion TS-6039: Building a Web Platform: Java Technology at Ning TS-6175: Distributed Caching, Using the JCACHE API and ehcache, Including a Case Study on Wotif.com TS-6178: Simplifying JavaServer Faces Component Development TS-6375: jMaki: Web 2.0 App Building Made Easy TS-6029: Beyond Blogging: Feeds in Action TS-6014: You Are Hacked: Ajax Security Essentials for Enterprise Java Technology Developers TS-64745: Developing Web 2.0 Mapping Applications TS-69700: Enabling Offline Web Applications with Java DB TS-6676: Blueprints for Mashups: Practical Strategies, Tips, and Code for Designing and Building TS-6411: JSR 311: The Java API for RESTful Web Services TS-6410: Hands-on DWR TS-6381: The Future of the Java Technology Web Tier TS-6045: Web Algorithms // Services and Integration TS-8434: Ajax Push (a.k.a. Comet) with Java Business Integration (JBI) TS-80955: Open for Business: Using Open Standards to Make SOAs Safe for Developer TS-8844: Next-Generation Java Web Technologies in Practice: The Document Services Platform TS-8459: Service Virtualization: Separating Business Logic from Policy Enforcement TS-8440: Decorating Your SOA Services with Governance Enforcement Contracts TS-8029: Bridging the Gap: Using Java Technology and .NET Together in Harmony TS-8976: PayPal: New Solutions for Java Developers TS-8216: Why Do I Need Java Business Integration (JBI) When We Have BPEL? TS-8194: Spring and Service Component Architecture as the Basis for Distributed Services Applications TS-8131: Java Technology and Web Services Security in Action TS-8840: Services Interoperability with Java Technology and .NET: Technologies and Tools for Web 2.0 TS-8835: SCA/SDO and Java Technology: Complementary Technologies That Drive Open SOA Environments TS-8897: Designing Service Collaborations: The Design of "Wire"-Centric Integration TS-8882: Implementing Interoperable SOA in Your Enterprise TS-8849: Fun and Profit with the Google Checkout API in Java Technology TS-8554: Building, Assembling, and Deploying Composite Service Applications TS-8544: Integration Gets All Mashed Up: Bridging Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 Applications TS-8541: A Step Along the Way: Using Ajax, Portals, and Services to Provide Better Network Management TS-88040: Distributed Computing in the Modern Data Center: Matching the Right Technology to Your Task TS-8683: Introduction to CASA: An Open Source Composite Applications Editor TS-85990: Business Mashups with Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) 6 TS-8612: jPDL: Simplified Workflow for Java Technology // Desktop TS-3631: Writing Testable Desktop UIs TS-3569: Beans Binding TS-3565: Swing in a Multithreaded World TS-3559: Java 6 Platform, Java DB, Swing, JNLP/WebStart, Java Persistence API (JPA)/Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3: The New "Operating System" for Rich Internet Applications TS-3548: Extreme GUI Makeover 2007 TS-3742: Modular Programming with the NetBeans Platform TS-3755: Swing Vector Graphics TS-3634: Developing Enterprise Business Applications in Eclipse Rich Client Platform: Intermediate/Advanced TS-3723: Designing Scalable High-Performance Rich Clients from the Trenches TS-3057: Sexy Models! An API for Declarative Data Models on the Desktop TS-3165: Filthy-Rich Clients: Talk Dirty to Me TS-3290: Easy Deployment Is Finally Here TS-3073: Write a 3-D Game in the Java Programming Language in Less Than 50 Minutes TS-3160: Desktop Java Technology Today TS-3420: Form Follows Function (F3) TS-3489: 3-D Earth Visualization with NASA World Wind TS-3316: Why Spaghetti Is Not Tasty: Architecting Full-Scale Swing Apps TS-3414: Bringing Life to Swing Desktop Applications TS-3888: Java Technology and .NET UI Interoperability: How to Mix and Match UI Components TS-3834: Being Productive with Swing TS-3942: JSR 296: The Swing Application Framework TS-3938: The Last Mile to Desktop Java Technology TS-3774: Anatomy of an Eclipse RCP Application TS-3833: Debugging and Optimizing Swing Applications TS-1550: Behind the Virtual Flying Dukes Programming Contest TS-3936: One Million Applet Downloads a Day TS-1548: Search Inside the Music: Using Signal Processing, Machine Learning, and 3-D Visualizations to Discover New Music TS-1786: Writing Games With Project Darkstar // Open Source TS-76950: Taking Java Technology to New Frontiers: Enterprise Batch Processing with Spring Batch TS-7495: Open-Source Licensing Emergency Room Panel TS-7497: Open-Source Java Projects: Meet the Sausage Makers Panel TS-7496: Joyful Metamorphosis: Migrating a Large Enterprise Build from Ant to Maven TS-7082: Building JavaServer Faces Applications with Spring and Hibernate TS-7101: Mobilizing Open Source: Creativity, Contribution and Community TS-7354: Fast Feedback Loop: Unit Testing Strategies for Tapestry TS-7361: Packaging Java Platform Applications into Ubuntu TS-7755: Advanced Spring Framework TS-7820: The Apache Harmony Project TS-7900: Apache OFBiz: Real-World Open Source Java Platform ERP TS-7498: Liberating Java; Free and Open Opportunity for the Future TS-7557: OpenOffice.org Extensions with NetBeans Software TS-7622: Java Technology Libre Panel TS-7688: Develop Commercial Cross Platform Solutions by Integrating Open Source Third Party Solutions and Proprietary Code TS-1161: Straightforward Jini Network Technology TS-7080: Open Source SOA Realized // Tools and Languages TS-9646: Performance-Tune Your Ajax Application TS-1589: Language-oriented Programming and Language Workbenches: Building Domain Languages Atop Java Technology TS-9667: Testing Java Code: Beyond the IDE TS-9709: Top Ten Reasons to Use NetBeans 6.0 SOA Pack (Former Enterprise Pack) TS-9574: Jython and Java Technology: Plug-and-Play TS-9585: What's New in Oracle JDeveloper TS-9720: Advanced Groovy TS-9920: Eclipse Europa: New Features and Technical Integrations TS-9944: PHP and Java Technology Integration: A Technical How-To Session with Cofounder and Co-CTO of Zend Andi Gutmans TS-9972: RubyTooling: State of the Art TS-9782: Ajax and JavaServer Faces Technology Tooling in Eclipse TS-9861: Advanced Java Programming Language Refactoring: Pushing the Envelope TS-9917: OpenAjax Alliance: Driving Ajax Standards and Interoperability TS-9235: Stress Your Web App Before It Stresses You: Tools and Techniques for Extreme Web Testing TS-9294: Exploiting JRuby: Building Domain-Specific Languages for the Java Virtual Machine TS-9363: Java Platform Performance on Multicore: Better Performance or Bigger Headache? TS-1742: Cool Things You Can Do with the Groovy Dynamic Language TS-9038: Understanding the Architecture of Enterprise Applications Through Their Dependencies TS-91440: Ruby on Rails Meets the World of Enterprise Applications TS-9370: JRuby on Rails: Agility for the Enterprise TS-9517: Assembling Ajax Applications with Power Tools TS-9535: Comparing the Developer Experience of Java EE 5.0, Ruby on Rails, and Grails: Lessons Learned from Developing One Application TS-9555: Quick and Easy Profiling with Integrated Tools TS-9452: Visual Development and Deployment of Advanced Mobile Applications TS-9511: Using Ajax with POJC (Plain Old JavaServer Faces Components) TS-9516: Using jMaki in a Visual Development Environment TS-93260: The XML PDF Access API for Java Technology (XPAAJ) // Java EE TS-45170: Java DB Performance TS-4532: Building an Embeddable Enterprise Content Management Core with the Latest Java Technologies TS-4568: Java Persistence API: Portability Do's and Don'ts TS-4902: Java Persistence API: Best Practices and Tips TS-43350: Harnessing the Power of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) Technology With Spring TS-4436: Technical Overview of GlassFish v2 TS-4439: Minimalist Testing Techniques for Enterprise Java Technology-Based Applications TS-4514: Three Approaches to Securing Your JavaServer Faces Technology/Spring/Hibernate Applications TS-41500: Service Component Architecture Meets the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) TS-4225: What's New in the Java Portlet Specification 2.0 (JSR 286)? TS-4247: Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1 Technology TS-4249: The Top 10 Ways to Botch Enterprise Java Technology-Based Application Scalability and Reliability TS-4003: Portlets and Ajax - Building More Dynamic Web Apps with JSR286 TS-4089: Web Beans Update TS-4092: Seam and SOA TS-4112: Declarative Programming: Tighten Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 and JSR 303 Beans Validation TS-4948: Unleashing the Power of JAX-WS RI: Spring, Stateful Web Services, SMTP, and More TS-19460: Deploying and Scaling Massive Digital Archive Repositories TS-4919: Adding Telephony to Java Technology-Based Enterprise Applications TS-4945: Java Persistence 2.0 TS-1419: Best OSGi Practices TS-1262: Killer Apps: Data Mining Demystified TS-1911: Event-Driven Application Servers TS-4588: Advanced Enterprise Debugging Techniques TS-4656: Harvard's Dataverse Network: A JSF/EJB 3.0 Technology Data Sharing Solution on Java EE 5 TS-4721: Implementing Java EE Applications, Using Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3 Technology: Real-World Tips, Tricks, and New Design Patterns TS-4593: Guidelines, Tips, and Tricks in Using Java EE 5 from the Java BluePrints Program TS-4604: Fast and Free SSO: A Survey of Open-Source Solutions to Single Sign-on TS-4746: Hibernate Search: Googling Your Java Technology-Based Persistent Domain Model TS-4865: Takes two to Tango: Java Web Services and .NET Interoperability TS-1743: Xen and the Art of Distributed Virtual Machine Management TS-4856: Architecture of Popular Object/Relational Mapping Providers // Java ME TS-5628: Developing Flashy Mobile Applications, Using SVG and JSR 226 TS-5743: Graphical, Scripted, and Animated User Interfaces on Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) TS-50695: Advanced Mobile Service Architecture Based on JSR 232 TS-5617: Open Source Object-Oriented Databases for Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) Technology-Based Embedded Systems TS-5626: Data Binding and Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) TS-5906: Building a Java ME Test Suite in 15 Minutes TS-5913: Tools for Developing Advanced Mobile Multimedia Applications TS-5932: Catch This SpeechEvent: Recognition and Synthesis on Devices TS-5639: MSOA: An End-to-End Java Technology-Based Framework for Next-Generation Converged Services TS-5642: What to Do with APDU? TS-5711: Developing Reliable Products: Static and Dynamic Code Analysis TS-5724: Developing Faster and Flashier Dynamic Graphics with the Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) Personal Basis Profile by Optimizing Java ME CDC TS-5180: Mobility and Device General Session TS-5184: Java Technology-Based VAS in China Mobile: Today and Tomorrow TS-5188: Web Services to Go: Mobile Access to Web Services with JSRs 279 and 280 TS-5102: The JSR 281 IMS Services API: Time to Deliver TS-5109: Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME): Optimizing Midlets for Size and Performance TS-5114: Welcome to the UI Theme Park: Customizing the Java ME User Experience with JSR 258 TS-5345: Bring Map and Navigation Capabilities to Your Location-Based Applications with JSR 293, Location API 2.0 TS-5525: Mobile Ajax for Java Technology TS-5585: Whiz-Bang Graphics and Media Performance for Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) Applications TS-5608: JSR 248: Taking Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) to the Next Level TS-5051: Tackling Java ME Device Fragmentation: Orange and Sun Collaboration TS-5363: Using Aspect-Oriented Programming to Streamline Mobile Application Development TS-5397: Java Verified - A Desciption and Update To The Verification and Signing Process for The Java ME Application Developer TS-0285: JavaCard for Emerging WLAN Environments TS-5203: Web 2.0 Applications on a Next-Generation Java Card Platform TS-5147: Free Mobile-to-Mobile Money Transmission Revolutionizes Trade Between the Poorest in Africa TS-5686: Next Generation Java Card Technology For Secure Mobile Applications TS-5931: OCAP Roadmap and Future Interactive Services on Cable TV TS-1780: Sun SPOT in Action: 3-D, Virtual Reality, and Gaming TS-5894: The Role of Java Technology in IPTV TS-5723: JavaOne Conference TV Track Kickoff Session TS-5712: How to Build, Run, and Develop Code with the phoneME Open Source Project TS-5699: Developing Mobile Ajax/Web 2.0 Applications, Using the java.net Open-Source Project Orbit // Java SE TS-1205: The Sun Java Real-Time System Meets Wall Street TS-1990: Exploring the Deep with SONIA TS-1427: Leveraging Solaris Trusted Extensions to Implement Platform Security Services for the Java Language TS-2885: High-Performance Java Technology in a Multicore World TS-2023: What's Hot in IBM's Virtual Machine for the Java Platform? - 2007 Edition TS-2007: Improving Software Quality with Static Analysis TS-2890: Java Technology Generics and Collections: Tools for Productivity TS-1130: JFugue: Making Music with Java MIDI and Illustrating API Usability TS-2906: Garbage-Collection-Friendly Programming TS-2992: Tricks and Tips with NIO, Using the Grizzly Framework TS-13820: "Everything Java": JPC, a Fast x86 PC Emulator TS-1331: Java Real-Time System Revealed TS-1326: Bytecode Manipulation Techniques for Dynamic Applications for the Java Virtual Machine TS-2901: A Real-Time Garbage Collector for a Real-Time Java Virtual Machine TS-2594: Secure Coding Guidelines, Continued: Preventing Attacks and Avoiding Antipatterns TS-2602: Deploying Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) in Today's Embedded Devices TS-2656: JMX Technology: Who's Doing What TS-2388: Effective Concurrency for the Java Platform TS-2401: Java Language Modularity with Superpackages TS-2515: Emulating the Java ME Platform on Java SE TS-2844: The Scala Experience -- Safe Programming Can Be Fun! TS-2862: A Lock-Free HashTable TS-2873: Advanced Java Globalization TS-2689: Effective Java Reloaded: This Time It's for Real TS-2698: Cranking Up Java Application Performance with DTrace TS-2707: Java Puzzlers Episode VI: The Phantom-Reference Menace/Attack of the Clone/Revenge of the Shift TS-2220: Testing Concurrent Software TS-2294: Closures for the Java Programming Language TS-2171: What's Hot in BEA JRockit TS-2318: JSR 277: Java Module System TS-21935: Improving the Quality of Your Enterprise Application: Innovative Ways to Spot Memory-Related Bugs and Bottlenecks TS-2383: Java SE: Present and Future TS-1916: Dynamic Local Minigrids TS-1106: Creating Manageable Systems with JMX, Spring AOP, and Groovy TS-1473: Unleashing the Power of Multi-Core Processors: Scalable Data Processing in Java Technology TS-1519: All About Java Technology-Based Robotics TS-2800: OpenJDK Project Report TS-1991: Project Caroline: Platform as a Service, at Your Service, for Your Service