// The Next-Generation Web TS-6821: Spring Web Flow: A Next-Generation Web Application Controller Technology TS-6807: Real-World Comet-Based Applications TS-6590: Killer JavaScript Technology Frameworks for Java Platform Developers: An Exploration of Prototype, Script.aculo.us, and Rico TS-6957: Project Phobos: Server-Side Scripting for the Java Platform TS-6889: Java Technology-Powered Microsoft Ajax TS-6836: Creating Amazing Web Interfaces with Ajax TS-6824: JavaServer Faces Technology, Ajax, and Portlets: It's Easy If You Know How TS-6536: Enabling Identity 2.0 in Java Technology TS-6503: GlassFish V3 Architecture Review: Learn How GlassFish V3 Will Be the Best Container for Web 2.0 TS-6475: Fast, Beautiful, Easy: Pick Three--Building Web User Interfaces in the Java Programming Language with Google Web Toolkit TS-6725: OpenLaszlo: From RIA to Ajax and Mobile TS-6713: JavaServer Faces Technology and Ajax Panel Discussion TS-6039: Building a Web Platform: Java Technology at Ning TS-6175: Distributed Caching, Using the JCACHE API and ehcache, Including a Case Study on Wotif.com TS-6178: Simplifying JavaServer Faces Component Development TS-6375: jMaki: Web 2.0 App Building Made Easy TS-6029: Beyond Blogging: Feeds in Action TS-6014: You Are Hacked: Ajax Security Essentials for Enterprise Java Technology Developers TS-64745: Developing Web 2.0 Mapping Applications TS-69700: Enabling Offline Web Applications with Java DB TS-6676: Blueprints for Mashups: Practical Strategies, Tips, and Code for Designing and Building TS-6411: JSR 311: The Java API for RESTful Web Services TS-6410: Hands-on DWR TS-6381: The Future of the Java Technology Web Tier TS-6045: Web Algorithms