// Tools and Languages TS-9646: Performance-Tune Your Ajax Application TS-1589: Language-oriented Programming and Language Workbenches: Building Domain Languages Atop Java Technology TS-9667: Testing Java Code: Beyond the IDE TS-9709: Top Ten Reasons to Use NetBeans 6.0 SOA Pack (Former Enterprise Pack) TS-9574: Jython and Java Technology: Plug-and-Play TS-9585: What's New in Oracle JDeveloper TS-9720: Advanced Groovy TS-9920: Eclipse Europa: New Features and Technical Integrations TS-9944: PHP and Java Technology Integration: A Technical How-To Session with Cofounder and Co-CTO of Zend Andi Gutmans TS-9972: RubyTooling: State of the Art TS-9782: Ajax and JavaServer Faces Technology Tooling in Eclipse TS-9861: Advanced Java Programming Language Refactoring: Pushing the Envelope TS-9917: OpenAjax Alliance: Driving Ajax Standards and Interoperability TS-9235: Stress Your Web App Before It Stresses You: Tools and Techniques for Extreme Web Testing TS-9294: Exploiting JRuby: Building Domain-Specific Languages for the Java Virtual Machine TS-9363: Java Platform Performance on Multicore: Better Performance or Bigger Headache? TS-1742: Cool Things You Can Do with the Groovy Dynamic Language TS-9038: Understanding the Architecture of Enterprise Applications Through Their Dependencies TS-91440: Ruby on Rails Meets the World of Enterprise Applications TS-9370: JRuby on Rails: Agility for the Enterprise TS-9517: Assembling Ajax Applications with Power Tools TS-9535: Comparing the Developer Experience of Java EE 5.0, Ruby on Rails, and Grails: Lessons Learned from Developing One Application TS-9555: Quick and Easy Profiling with Integrated Tools TS-9452: Visual Development and Deployment of Advanced Mobile Applications TS-9511: Using Ajax with POJC (Plain Old JavaServer Faces Components) TS-9516: Using jMaki in a Visual Development Environment TS-93260: The XML PDF Access API for Java Technology (XPAAJ)