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- (bitwise NOT) operator 261
- (unary negation) operator 260
-- (decrement) operator 260
! (logical NOT) operator 264
!= (not equal) operator 257
!== (strict not equal) operator 257
$& property 159
$* property 159
$+ property 159
$_ property 159
$` property 159
$' property 159
$1, ..., $9 properties 158
% (modulus) operator 259
%= operator 255
&& (logical AND) operator 264
& (bitwise AND) operator 261
&= operator 255
) 283
*/ comment 232
*= operator 255
+ (string concatenation) operator 266
++ (increment) operator 259
+= (string concatenation) operator 266
+= operator 255
/* comment 232
// comment 232
/= operator 255
< (less than) operator 257
<< (left shift) operator 261, 262
<<= operator 255
<= (less than or equal) operator 257
== (equal) operator 257
=== (strict equal) operator 257
-= operator 255
> (greater than) operator 257
>= (greater than or equal) operator 257
>> (sign-propagating right shift) operator 261, 263
>>= operator 255
>>> (zero-fill right shift) operator 261, 263
>>>= operator 255
?: (conditional) operator 266
^ (bitwise XOR) operator 261
^= operator 255
| (bitwise OR) operator 261
|= operator 255
|| (logical OR) operator 264
(comma) operator 267


abs method 109
acos method 109
anchor method 177
creating 177
AND (&&) logical operator 264
AND (&) bitwise operator 261
apply method 83
arguments array 85
arithmetic operators 259
% (modulus) 259
-- (decrement) 260
- (unary negation) 260
++ (increment) 259
arity property 90
Array object 16
Array object 16
creating from strings 198
deleting elements 267
dense 17
increasing length of 18
indexing 17
initial length of 17, 19
Java 98
joining 23
length of, determining 24, 190
referring to elements 17
sorting 29
asin method 110
assignment operators 254
%= 255
&= 255
*= 255
+= 255
/= 255
<<= 255
-= 255
>>= 255
>>>= 255
^= 255
|= 255
conditional statements and 239
atan2 method 111
atan method 111


BIG HTML tag 178
big method 178
bitwise operators 260
& (AND) 261
- (NOT) 261
<< (left shift) 261, 262
>> (sign-propagating right shift) 261, 263
>>> (zero-fill right shift) 261, 263
^ (XOR) 261
| (OR) 261
logical 261
shift 262
BLINK HTML tag 179
blink method 179
BOLD HTML tag 179
bold method 179
Boolean object 38
conditional tests and 38
break statement 231


callee property 87
caller property 88
call method 90
call method (LiveConnect) 283
ceil method 112
charAt method 180
charCodeAt method 181
classes, accessing Java 102, 147
className property 148
comma () operator 267
comments 232
comment statement 232
comparison operators 256
!= (not equal) 257
!== (strict not equal) 257
< (less than) 257
<= (less than or equal) 257
== (equal) 257
=== (strict equal) 257
> (greater than) 257
>= (greater than or equal) 257
compile method 160
concat method
Array object 21
String object 182
conditional (?:) operator 266
conditional tests
assignment operators and 239
Boolean objects and 38
constructor property
Array object 22
Boolean object 40
Date object 48
Function object 92
Number object 129
Object object 137
RegExp object 161
String object 182
specifying default object 249
with statement and 249
continue statement 233
conventions 229
cos method 113


Date object 43
converting to string 74
Date object 43
day of week 49
defining 43
milliseconds since 1970 77
month 51
decrement (--) operator 260
default objects, specifying 249
delete operator 267
array elements 267
objects 267
properties 267
dense arrays 17
directories, conventions used 12
do...while statement 234
document conventions 12


E property 114
equals method (LiveConnect 283
escape function 212
Unicode and 213
Euler's constant 114
raised to a power 114
eval function 214
eval method
LiveConnect 283
Object object 138
catching 246
LiveConnect 280
throwing 243
throw statement 243
try...catch statement 246
exec method 161
exp method 114
export statement 235
expressions that return no value 276


fixed method 183
floor method 115
fontcolor method 183
big 178
blinking 179
bold 179
fontsize method 185 statement 236
for loops
continuation of 233
syntax of 235
termination of 231
for statement 235
fromCharCode method 186
Function object 79
specifying arguments for 80
as variable value 81
arguments array 85
callee property 87
caller property 88
declaring 237
Function object 79
length property 89
list of 211
nesting 81, 82
number of arguments 190
return values of 241
top-level 211
as variable value 81
function statement 237


getDate method 48
getDay method 49
getFullYear method 49
getHours method 50
getMember method (LiveConnect) 284
getMilliseconds method 50
getMinutes method 51
getMonth method 51
getSeconds method 52
getSlot method (LiveConnect) 284
getTime method 52
getTimezoneOffset method 53
getUTCDate method 53
getUTCDay method 54
getUTCFullYear method 54
getUTCHours method 55
getUTCMilliseconds method 56
getUTCMinutes method 56
getUTCMonth method 57
getUTCSeconds method 58
getWindow method (LiveConnect) 284
getWrappedException (LiveConnect) 281
getYear method 58
global object 211
global property 164
GMT time, defined, local time, defined 44


HTML tags
BIG 178
BOLD 179


if...else statement 238
ignoreCase property 165
import statement 239
increment (++) operator 259
indexOf method 186
index property 23
Infinity property 216
in keyword 236
in operator 269
input property
Array object 23
RegExp object 165
instanceof operator 270
isFinite function 217
isNaN function 218
italics method 188


JavaArray object 98
JavaClass object 102
java object 97
JavaObject object 104
JavaPackage object 106
java property 149
background for using 9
reserved words 289
versions and Navigator 10
join method 23
JSException class 280
JSException constructor (LiveConnect) 281
JSObject class 282


keywords 289


label statement 240
lastIndexOf method 189
lastIndex property 166
lastMatch property 167
lastParen property 168
leftContext property 168
left shift (<<) operator 261, 262
length property
arguments array 89
Array object 24
Function object 92
JavaArray object 100
String object 190
link method 191
anchors for 177
with no destination 276
JavaArray object 98
JavaClass object 102
java object 97
JavaObject object 104
JavaPackage object 106
JSException class 280
JSObject class 282
netscape object 126
Packages object 147
sun object 210
LN10 property 116
LN2 property 116
LOG10E property 117
LOG2E property 118
base of natural 114
natural logarithm of 10 116
logical operators 263
! (NOT) 264
&& (AND) 264
|| (OR) 264
short-circuit evaluation 264
log method 117
continuation of 233
for 235
termination of 231
while 248
lowercase 175, 207


match method 191
Math object 107
MAX_VALUE property 129
max method 118
methods, top-level 211
MIN_VALUE property 130
min method 119
modulo function 259
modulus (%) operator 259
multiline property 168


NaN property
Number object 130
top-level 218
natural logarithms
base of 114
e 114
e raised to a power 114
of 10 116
Navigator, JavaScript versions supported 10
nesting functions 81, 82
netscape.javascript.JSException class 280
netscape.javascript.JSObject class 282
netscape object 126
netscape property 149
new operator 272
NOT (!) logical operator 264
NOT (-) bitwise operator 261
Number function 219
Number object 127
greater of two 118
identifying 218
Number object 127
obtaining integer 112
parsing from strings 220
square root 123


Object object 136
confirming object type for 270
confirming property type for 269
creating new types 272
deleting 267
establishing default 249
getting list of properties for 237
iterating properties 236
Java, accessing 104
operators 251-276
arithmetic 259
assignment 254
bitwise 260
comparison 256
list of 251
logical 263
special 266
string 266
OR (|) bitwise operator 261
OR (||) logical operator 264


packages, accessing Java 106
Packages object 147
parseFloat function 220
parseInt function 221
parse method 60
PI property 120
pop method 25
pow method 120
confirming object type for 269
deleting 267
getting list of for an object 237
iterating for an object 236
top-level 211
prototype property
Array object 25
Boolean object 40
Date object 61
Function object 92
Number object 133
Object object 138
RegExp object 169
String object 193
push method 26


random method 121
RegExp object 151
regular expressions 151
removeMember method (LiveConnect) 284
replace method 193
reserved words 289
return statement 241
reverse method 26
rightContext property 169
round method 121


search method 196
selection lists
number of options 190
setDate method 61
setFullYear method 62
setHours method 63
setMember method (LiveConnect) 284
setMilliseconds method 64
setMinutes method 64
setMonth method 65
setSeconds method 66
setSlot method (LiveConnect) 285
setTime method 67
setUTCDate method 67
setUTCFullYear method 68
setUTCHours method 69
setUTCMilliseconds method 70
setUTCMinutes method 70
setUTCMonth method 71
setUTCSeconds method 72
setYear method 72
shift method 27
short-circuit evaluation 264
sign-propagating right shift (>>) operator 261, 263
sin method 122
slice method 28, 196
small method 197
sort method 29
source property 170
special operators 266
splice method 33
split method 198
SQRT1_2 property 124
SQRT2 property 124
sqrt method 123
square roots 123
statements 229-250
syntax conventions 229
strike method 201
String function 223
String object 173
string operators 266
blinking 179
bold 179
character position within 174, 180, 186
concatenating 266
converting from date 74
converting to floating point 220
creating from arrays 23
defining 173
fontsize of 178
length of 190
lowercase 175, 207
parsing 220
splitting into arrays 198
String object 173
sub method 202
substring method 204
substr method 203
sun object 210
sun property 150
sup method 206
switch statement 241
syntax conventions 229


tan method 125
test method 170
this keyword 274
throw statement 243
Date object 43
defining 43
minutes 51
toGMTString method 73
toLocaleString method 74
toLowerCase method 207
top-level properties and functions 211
toSource method
Array object 34
Boolean object 41
Date object 75
Function object 94
Number object 133
Object object 139
RegExp object 171
String object 207
toString method
Array object 35
Boolean object 41
built-in 140
Date object 76
Function object 95
JavaArray object 101
LiveConnect 285
Number object 134
Object object 140
RegExp object 171
String object 208
user-defined 140
toUpperCase method 208
toUTCString method 76
try...catch statement 246
typeof operator 275


unary negation (-) operator 260
undefined property 223
unescape function 224
unicode and 213
charCodeAt method 181
escape function and 213
unescape function and 213
unshift method 36
unwatch method 143
conventions used 12
escaping characters in 212
UTC method 77
UTC time, defined 44


valueOf method
Array object 37
Boolean object 42
Date object 78
Function object 96
Number object 135
Object object 143
RegExp object 172
String object 209
declaring 248
initializing 248
syntax for declaring 248
var statement 248
versions of JavaScript 10
void operator 276


watch method 145
while loops
continuation of 233
syntax of 248
termination of 231
while statement 248
with statement 249


XOR (^) operator 261


zero-fill right shift (>>>) operator 261, 263

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Last Updated: 10/29/98 20:17:51

Copyright � 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation