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LiveWire Database Service

Chapter 15   Connecting to a Database

This chapter discusses how to use the LiveWire Database Service to connect your application to DB2, Informix, ODBC, Oracle, or Sybase relational databases. It describes how to choose the best connection methodology for your application.

Chapter 16   Working with a Database

This chapter discusses working with DB2, Informix, ODBC, Oracle, or Sybase relational databases. It describes how to retrieve information from the database and use it in your application, how to work with database transactions, and how to execute database stored procedures.

Chapter 17   Configuring Your Database

This chapter describes how to set up your database to run with the LiveWire Database Service. You should read this chapter and "Configuration Information" on page 46 before you try to use LiveWire with your JavaScript applications.

Chapter 18   Data Type Conversion

This chapter describes how the JavaScript runtime engine on the server converts between the more complex data types used in relational databases and the simpler ones defined for JavaScript.

Chapter 19   Error Handling for LiveWire

This chapter describes the types of errors you can encounter when working with relational databases.

Chapter 20   Videoapp and Oldvideo Sample Applications

This chapter describes the videoapp sample application, which illustrates the use of the LiveWire Database Service. It describes how to configure your environment to run the videoapp and oldvideo sample applications.

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Last Updated: 11/12/98 15:29:37

Copyright (c) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation