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Adds client object property values to a dynamically generated URL or the URL used with the redirect function.

Server-side function

Implemented in

LiveWire 1.0




A string representing a URL


The addClient function is a top-level server-side JavaScript function not associated with any object.

Use addClient to preserve client object property values when you use redirect or generate dynamic links. This is necessary if an application uses client or server URL encoding to maintain the client object; it does no harm in other cases. Since the client maintenance technique can be changed after the application has been compiled, it is always safer to use addClient, even if you do not anticipate using a URL encoding scheme.

See Writing Server-Side JavaScript Applications for information about using URL encoding to maintain client properties.


In the following example, addClient is used with the redirect function to redirect a browser:

In the following example, addClient preserves client object property values when a link is dynamically generated:

<A HREF='addClient("page" + project.pageno + ".html")'>
   Jump to new page</A>

See also


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Last Updated: 10/31/97 16:38:00

Copyright � 1997 Netscape Communications Corporation