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Calls an external function and returns the value that the external function returns.

Server-side function

Implemented in

LiveWire 1.0


callC(JSFunctionName, arg1,..., argN)


The name of the function as it is identified with RegisterCFunction.

A comma-separated list of arguments to the external function. The arguments can be any JavaScript values: strings, numbers, or Boolean values. The number of arguments must match the number of arguments required by the external function.


The callC function is a top-level server-side JavaScript function that is not associated with any object.

The callC function returns the string value that the external function returns; callC can only return string values.


The following example assigns a value to the variable isRegistered according to whether the attempt to register the external function echoCCallArguments succeeds or fails. If isRegistered is true, the callC function executes.

var isRegistered =
if (isRegistered == true) {
   var returnValue =
   callC("echoCCallArguments", "first arg", 42, true, "last arg")

See also


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Last Updated: 10/31/97 16:38:00

Copyright � 1997 Netscape Communications Corporation