JBoss World 2008 Presentations
*Check back regularly. New presentations are being added daily.
Track: Core Platform Technologies
- EJB3: Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 - Carlo de Wolf, JBoss
- AS5 & MC: JBoss Microcontainer meets OSGi - Ales Justin and Scott Stark, JBoss
- Hibernate: State of the Union - Emmanuel Bernard, JBoss
Track: Next Generation Web Applications
- Introduction to JBoss SEAM - Pete Muir, JBoss
- Introduction to JBoss ON 2.0 - Greg Hinkle, JBoss
Track: Services and Integration
- A Lightweight Approach to Business Processes with JBoss jBPM - Tom Baeyens, JBoss
- Introduction to JBossESB - Mark Little and Kevin Conner, JBoss
Track: Optimize, Secure, and Manage
- Cluster Tuning: Getting the best performance out of your JBoss cluster - Bela Ban and Brian Stansberry, JBoss
- Event Processing and Temporal Reasoning - Edson Tirelli and Mark Proctor, JBoss
Track: Executive Insights
- JBoss Enterprise Platforms and Product Roadmap - Aaron Darcy, JBoss
- SOA - Mark Little, JBoss
- Open Source Barometer - Ian Howells
Track: Core Platform Technologies
- Introduction to JBoss Application Server 5.0 - Dimitris Andreadis, JBoss
- JBoss Transactions - Mark Little, JBoss
- Hibernate Search - Emmanuel Bernard, JBoss
- JBoss Federated SSO Framework - Sohil Shah, JBoss
Track: Next Generation Web Applications
- Introduction to JBoss Portal - Thomas Heute, JBoss
- JBoss Developer Studio - Max Rydahl Andersen, JBoss
- Porting From Web 1.0 to RIA in the Enterprise - James Ward, Adobe
Track: Services and Integration
- Introduction to Web Services - Heiko Braun, JBoss
- Advanced Enterprise Server Bus - Kevin Conner, JBoss
- JBoss Drools and The Business Rules Management Sytem - Mark Proctor, JBoss
- Meeting the SOA Data Challenge: Connection Data Sources to your Enterprise Service Bus - Rob Cardwell, JBoss
Track: Optimize, Secure, Manage
- Performance Tuning JBoss Enterprise Application Platform on Linux - Andy Miller, JBoss
- Developing Interactive Voice Response applications on JBoss Enterprise Middleware: A Case Study - Ravi Srinivasan and Hector Gonzalez, HP
- Realizing Continuous Performance Management - Steven Haines, Quest
- Developing Rich Internet Applications with JBoss RichFaces - Max Katz, Exadel
Track: Executive Insights
- SOA Platform Introduction - Pierre Fricke, JBoss
Track: Core Platform Technologies
- JBoss Web Server - Mladen Turk, JBoss
- JBoss Security for EE Developers - Anil Saldhana and Scott Stark, JBoss
- What's New in Portlet 2.0 - Julien Viet, JBoss
- World League Football - Jesper Pedersen, World League Sports
- JBoss Web Server - Mladen Turk, JBoss
- JBoss Cache - Manik Suranti, JBoss
Track: Next Generation Web Applications
- Web 2.0 and Communications: Building Converged Applications - Amit Bhayani, JBoss
- Unit Testing JSF Applications - Stan Silvert, JBoss
- Intro to JBOSS SEAM - Joseph Nusairat
- JBoss Portal How-To Guide - Peter Johnson, Unisys
Track: Services and Integration
- JBoss Messaging - Tim Fox, JBoss
- ESB / SOA Platform Futures - Mark Little and Kevin Conner, JBoss
- Introduction to Web Beans for Au Tour - Gavin King