JBoss World Presentations

Enterprise Insights

10:20 am JBoss State of the Union PDF
2:00 pm JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Roadmap PDF
4:20 pm SOA - Maximizing Value of Cloud & On-Premise Applications & Services PDF
2:00 pm Social Publishing on JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform PDF
3:10 pm Heathcare and SOA PDF
4:20 pm Enterprise Java Hosting in a Cloud Environment PDF
11:00 am Customized JBoss Enterprise Application Platform at Intuit PDF

Optimize, Secure, and Manage

10:20 am Creating Custom Monitoring Plug-ins for JBoss Operations Network PDF
11:30 am Dynamic Clusters with Apache httpd, Mod-Cluster, & JBoss PDF
4:20 pm Creating a Strong Security Infrastructure for Exposing JBoss Services PDF
11:30 am Accelerate your JBoss PDF
3:10 pm JBoss Security Review PDF
9:45 am JBoss Maven Repository PDF
11:00 am Security Assurance with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform PDF

Developer Insights

2:00 pm Seam State of the Union PDF
10:20 am Introduction to JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5 PDF
11:30 am Using Infinispan for High Availability, Load Balancing, & Extreme Performance PDF
3:10 pm Building RIAs on JBoss with EJB, BlazeDS, & Flex PDF
4:20 pm Does REST Need Middleware? PDF
9:45 am Virtualizing JBoss Enterprise Middleware with Azul PDF

Developer Insights II

10:20 am V2V Moving VMware & Xen Virtual Machines to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization / KVM PDF
11:30 am Next-Generation ESB PDF
3:10 pm Spring & JBoss: So Happy Together PDF
4:20 pm Evidence-Based Application Development PDF
5:30 pm Portals, Presentation, Open Choice, & You PDF
10:20 am JBoss BPM Past, Present, & Future PDF
11:30 am What's New in Hibernate: A JPA 2 Perspective PDF
2:00 pm Going Above and Beyond JSF 2 with RichFaces PDF
3:10 pm How to Stop Worrying & Start Caching in Java PDF
4:20 pm A WebSphere Administrator's Guide to Managing JBoss Enterprise Middleware PDF
9:45 am JBoss in the Trenches PDF