Chapter 6. Quick Howto Guide

6.1. Change the Default Core jBPM Installation

You can change the default jBPM installation by means of the Eclipse preference mechanism. Open the Preferences dialog by selecting Window > Preferences and select the JBoss jBPM > Runtime Location category. Using this page you can add multiple jBPM installation locations and change the default one. The default installation is used for the classpath settings when creating a new Process Project. Changing the preferences has no influence on already created projects. Getting rid of a jBPM installation that's being referenced by a project however will cause the classpath to contain errors.

The jBPM Preferences Page

Figure 6.1. The jBPM Preferences Page

6.2. Configuring Task Nodes

You can add tasks to task nodes and then configure these last ones in a similar manner as the Action configuration mechanism. The context menu of the tasks contains a Properties entry that opens a configuration dialog.

The Task Configuration Dialog

Figure 6.2.  The Task Configuration Dialog