List of Figures

i-1 The JBoss JMX integration bus and the standard JBossXX components 19

1-1 The view of the JBoss server installation directory structure with the default server configuration file set expanded and overridable locations identified 17

1-2 An expanded view of the default server configuration file set conf and deploy directories 21

1-3 The testsuite CVS module directory structure 39

1-4 An example testsuite run report status html view as generated by the testsuite 41

2-1 The JBoss JMX integration bus and the standard JBoss components 44

2-2 The Relationship between the components of the JMX architecture 45

2-3 The JBoss 3.x core class loading components 68

2-4 The default class LoaderRepository MBean view in the JMX console 70

2-5 A complete class loader view 73

2-6 The JBoss 1.0 XMBean DTD Overview (jboss_xmbean_1_0.dtd) 76

2-7 The descriptors element content model 77

2-8 The XMBean constructor element and its content model 80

2-9 The XMBean attribute element and its content model 81

2-10 The XMBean operation element and its content model 82

2-11 The XMBean notification element and content model. 83

2-12 An expanded view of the jboss_xmbean_1_0 DTD 84

2-13 The JBoss JMX console web application agent view 86

2-14 The MBean view for the "jboss.system:type=Server" MBean 87

2-15 The jmx-console basic HTTP login dialog presented after making the changes shown in Listing 2-11. 89

2-16 the DTD for the MBean service descriptor parsed by the SARDeployer. 107

2-17 A sequence diagram highlighting the main activities performed by the SARDeployer to start a JBoss MBean service. 109

2-18 The interaction between the SARDeployer and ServiceController to start a service. 112

2-19 The Version 1 JNDIMapXMBean jmx-console view 128

2-20 The EjbMBeanAdaptor MBean operations JMX console view 165

2-21 The deployment layer classes 166

2-22 An illustration of the class loaders involved with an EAR deployment 170

2-23 The schema for the SNMP managers file 172

2-24 The schema for the notification to trap mapping file 173

2-25 The schema for the monitored objects file 173

2-26 The main components in the detached invoker architecture 175

3-1 The ENC elements in the standard ejb-jar.xml 2.0 deployment descriptor. 200

3-2 The ENC elements in the standard servlet 2.3 web.xml deployment descriptor. 201

3-3 The ENC elements in the JBoss 3.2 jboss.xml deployment descriptor. 202

3-4 The ENC elements in the JBoss 3.2 jboss-web.xml deployment descriptor. 203

3-5 Key components in the JBossNS architecture. 216

3-6 The HTTP invoker proxy/server structure for a JNDI Context 223

3-7 The relationship between configuration files and JNDI/HTTP component 225

3-8 The HTTP JMX agent view of the configured JBoss MBeans. 238

3-9 The HTTP JMX MBean view of the JNDIView MBean. 239

3-10 The HTTP JMX view of the JNDIView list operation output. 240

5-1 The composition of an EJBHome proxy in JBoss. 250

5-2 The jboss.xml descriptor client side interceptor configuration elements. 252

5-3 The invoker-proxy-binding schema 255

5-4 The transport invoker server side architecture 259

5-5 The jboss.xml descriptor invoker configuration elements. 260

5-6 The jboss_3_2 DTD elements related to container configuration. 269

5-7 The jboss.xml descriptor EJB to container configuration mapping elements 271

5-8 The instance-pool and container-pool-conf elements 274

5-9 The instance-cache and container-cache-conf and related elements 275

5-10 The cluster-config and related elements 279

5-11 Deadlock definition example 297

6-1 The jbossmq-state.xml content model 345

6-2 The destination security config content model 346

7-1 The relationship between a J2EE application server and a JCA resource adaptor 365

7-2 The JCA 1.0 specification class diagram for the connection management architecture. 367

7-3 The JBoss JCA implementation components 369

7-4 The file system RAR class diagram 374

7-5 A sequence diagram illustrating the key interactions between the JBossCX framework and the example resource adaptor that result when the EchoBean accesses the resource adaptor connection factory. 381

7-6 The simplified JCA DataSource configuration descriptor top-level schema elements 383

7-7 The non-transactional DataSource configuration schema 385

7-8 The non-XA DataSource configuration schema 386

7-9 The XADataSource configuration schema 387

7-10 The simplified JCA adaptor connection factory configuration descriptor top-level schema elements 391

7-11 The no-tx-connection-factory element schema 392

7-12 The tx-connection-factory element schema 393

8-1 A subset of the EJB 2.0 deployment descriptor content model that shows the security related elements. 399

8-2 A subset of the Servlet 2.2 deployment descriptor content model that shows the security related elements. 400

8-3 The key security model interfaces and their relationship to the JBoss server EJB container elements. 416

8-4 The relationship between the JBossSX framework implementation classes and the JBoss server EJB container layer. 418

8-5 The security element subsets of the JBoss server jboss.xml and jboss-web.xml deployment descriptors. 419

8-6 The relationship between the security-domain component deployment descriptor value, the component container and the JaasSecurityManager. 425

8-7 An illustration of the steps involved in the authentication and authorization of a secured EJB home method invocation. 427

8-8 The XMLLoginConfig DTD 433

8-9 An LDAP server configuration compatible with the testLdap sample configuration. 443

8-10 The JBossSX components of the SRP client-server framework. 462

8-11 The SRP client-server authentication algorithm sequence diagram. 468

8-12 A sequence diagram illustrating the interaction of the SRPCacheLoginModule with the SRP session cache. 471

9-1 The complete jboss-web.xml descriptor DTD. 492

9-2 An overview of the Tomcat-4.1.24 configuration DTD supported by the EmbeddedCatalinaService41 Config attribute. 503

9-3 The Internet Explorer 5.5 security alert dialog. 517

9-4 The Internet Explorer 5.5 SSL certificate details dialog. 518

10-1 Class diagram for the package of the ServiceBindingManager 530

10-2 How the ServiceConfigurator queries the ServiceBindingManager 531

10-3 The binding service XMLServicesStoreFactory DTD 533

10-4 The JBoss logging framework classes. 542

11-1 The main CMP2 example classes 547

11-2 The jbosscmp-jdbc top level content model. 555

11-3 The entity element content model 561

11-4 The jbosscmp-jdbc.xml cmp-field element content model. 566

11-5 The jbosscmp-jdbc.xml audit element content model 569

11-6 The jbosscmp-jdbc dependent-value-classes element model. 571

11-7 The jbosscmp-jdbc.xml ejb-relation element content model 579

11-8 The jbosscmp-jdbc ejb-relationship-role element content model 581

11-9 The jbosscmp-jdbc key-fields element content model 583

11-10 The jbosscmp-jdbc relation-table-mapping element content model 585

11-11 The jbosscmp-jdbc query element content model 591

11-12 The jbosscmp-jdbc declared-sql element content model. 595

11-13 No Transaction on-find optimized query execution 618

11-14 The jbosscmp-jdbc optimistic-locking element content model 621

11-15 The jbosscmp-jdbc.xml entity-command element model 626

11-16 The jbosscmp-jdbc/defaults content model 631

11-17 The jbosscmp-jdbc type-mapping element content model. 636

11-18 The jbosscmp-jdbc function-mapping element content model 637

11-19 The jbosscmp-jdbc mapping element content model. 637

11-20 The user-type-mapping content model 639

12-1 The web service files generated by the WSDL2Java program 652