Appendix A. Keyboard Shortcuts

This appendix documents the default set of keyboard shortcuts. They can be customized to suit your taste in the Shortcuts pane of the Utilities>Global Options dialog box; see the section called “The Global Options Dialog Box”.


For details, see the section called “Switching Buffers”, the section called “Multiple Views” and Chapter 4, Working With Files.

C+nNew file.
C+oOpen file.
C+wClose buffer.
C+e C+wClose all buffers.
C+sSave buffer.
C+e C+sSave all buffers.
C+pPrint buffer.
C+PAGE_UPGo to previous buffer.
C+PAGE_DOWNGo to next buffer.
C+`Go to recent buffer.
A+`Show buffer switcher.
C+qExit jEdit.


For details, see the section called “Multiple Views”.

C+e C+tTurn gutter (line numbering) on and off.
C+0Remove split containing current text area only.
C+1Remove all splits.
C+2Split view horizontally.
C+3Split view vertically.
A+PAGE_UPSend keyboard focus to previous text area.
A+PAGE_DOWNSend keyboard focus to next text area.
C+e UP; LEFT; DOWN; RIGHTSend keyboard focus to top; bottom; left; right docking area.
C+e C+`Close currently focused docking area.

Action Bar

For details, see the section called “The Action Bar”.

C+ENTERDisplay the action bar and give it keyboard focus.
C+SPACERepeat last editor action.

Moving the Caret

For details, see the section called “Moving The Caret”, the section called “Working With Words”, the section called “Working With Lines”, the section called “Working With Paragraphs” and the section called “Bracket Matching”.

ArrowMove caret one character or line.
C+ArrowMove caret one word or paragraph.
PAGE_UP; PAGE_DOWNMove caret one screenful.
HOMEFirst non-whitespace character of line, beginning of line, first visible line (repeated presses).
ENDLast non-whitespace character of line, end of line, last visible line (repeated presses).
C+HOMEBeginning of buffer.
C+ENDEnd of buffer.
C+]Go to matching bracket.
C+e [; ]Go to previous; next bracket.
C+lGo to line.

Selecting Text

For details, see the section called “Selecting Text”, the section called “Working With Words”, the section called “Working With Lines”, the section called “Working With Paragraphs” and the section called “Bracket Matching”.

S+ArrowExtend selection by one character or line.
CS+ArrowExtend selection by one word or paragraph.
S+PAGE_UP; S+PAGE_DOWNExtend selection by one screenful.
S+HOMEExtend selection to first non-whitespace character of line, beginning of line, first visible line (repeated presses).
S+ENDExtend selection to last non-whitespace character of line, end of line, last visible line (repeated presses).
CS+HOMEExtend selection to beginning of buffer.
CS+ENDExtend selection to end of buffer.
C+[Select code block.
C+e w; l; pSelect word; line; paragraph.
C+e C+lSelect line range.
C+aSelect all.
ESCAPESelect none.
A+\Switch between range and rectangular selection mode.
C+\Switch between single and multiple selection mode.
C+e iInvert selection.


For details, see the section called “Multiple Views”.

C+e C+jEnsure current line is visible, and send focus to the text area.
C+e C+nCenter caret on screen.
C+'; C+/Scroll up; down one line.
A+'; A+/Scroll up; down one page.

Text Editing

For details, see the section called “Undo and Redo”, the section called “Inserting and Deleting Text”, the section called “Working With Words”, the section called “Working With Lines” and the section called “Working With Paragraphs”.

C+e C+zRedo.
BACK_SPACE; DELETEDelete character before; after caret.
C+BACK_SPACE; C+DELETEDelete word before; after caret.
C+d; C+e dDelete line; paragraph.
CS+BACK_SPACE; CS+DELETEDelete from caret to beginning; end of line.
C+e rRemove trailing whitespace from the current line (or all selected lines).
C+jJoin lines.
C+bComplete word.
C+e fFormat paragraph (or selection).

Clipboard and Registers

For details, see the section called “Transferring Text”.

C+x or S+DELETECut selected text to clipboard.
C+c or C+INSERTCopy selected text to clipboard.
C+e C+uAppend selected text to clipboard, removing it from the buffer.
C+e C+aAppend selected text to clipboard, leaving it in the buffer.
C+v or S+INSERTPaste clipboard contents.
C+e C+pVertically paste clipboard contents.
C+r C+x keyCut selected text to register key.
C+r C+c keyCopy selected text to register key.
C+r C+u keyAppend selected text to register key, removing it from the buffer.
C+r C+a keyAppend selected text to register key, leaving it in the buffer.
C+r C+v keyPaste contents of register key.
C+r C+p keyVertically paste contents of register key.
C+e C+vPaste previous.
C+e C+yPaste deleted.


For details, see the section called “Markers”.

C+e C+mIf current line doesn't contain a marker, one will be added. Otherwise, the existing marker will be removed. Use the Markers menu to return to markers added in this manner.
C+t keyAdd marker with shortcut key.
C+y keyGo to marker with shortcut key.
C+u keySelect to marker with shortcut key.
C+k keyGo to marker with shortcut key, and move the marker to the previous caret position.
C+e C+,; C+e C+.Move caret to previous; next marker.

Search and Replace

For details, see the section called “Search and Replace”.

C+fOpen search and replace dialog box.
C+gFind next.
C+hFind previous.
C+e C+bSearch in open buffers.
C+e C+dSearch in directory.
C+e C+rReplace in selection.
C+e C+gReplace in selection and find next.
C+,Incremental search bar.
A+,HyperSearch bar.
C+.Incremental search for word under the caret.
A+.HyperSearch for word under the caret.
C+e C+iToggle ignore case.
C+e C+xToggle regular expressions.

Source Code Editing

For details, see the section called “Abbreviations”, the section called “Tabbing and Indentation” and the section called “Commenting Out Code”.

C+;Expand abbreviation.
A+LEFT; A+RIGHTShift current line (or all selected lines) left; right.
S+TAB; TABShift selected lines left; right. Note that pressing TAB with no selection active will insert a tab character at the caret position.
C+iIndent current line (or all selected lines).
C+e C+cRange comment selection.
C+e C+kLine comment selection.

Folding and Narrowing

For details, see the section called “Folding” and the section called “Narrowing”.

A+BACK_SPACECollapse fold containing caret.
A+ENTERExpand fold containing caret one level only.
AS+ENTERExpand fold containing caret fully.
C+e xExpand all folds.
C+e aAdd explicit fold.
C+e sSelect fold.
C+e ENTER keyExpand folds with level less than key, collapse all others.
C+e n nNarrow to fold.
C+e n sNarrow to selection.
A+UP; A+DOWNMoves caret to previous; next fold.
C+e uMoves caret to the parent fold of the one containing the caret.


For details, see Chapter 8, Using Macros.

C+m C+rRecord macro.
C+m C+mRecord temporary macro.
C+m C+sStop recording.
C+m C+pRun temporary macro.

Alternative Shortcuts

A few frequently-used commands have alternative shortcuts intended to help you keep your hands from moving all over the keyboard.

A+j; A+lMove caret to previous, next character.
A+i; A+kMove caret up, down one line.
A+q; A+aMove caret up, down one screenful.
A+zFirst non-whitespace character of line, beginning of line, first visible line (repeated presses).
A+xLast non-whitespace character of line, end of line, last visible line (repeated presses).